Reading is something that is so easy to get lost into. If you find the right book, you can find yourself struggling to put the book down. The thing I love most about books is how enriching the story can be. Its something unlike anything you can get from a movie. This also depends on how much effort the author puts into the story, world and characters. Pierce Brown is an author I had just recently begun to follow. When just searching for a new book series, I came across his new series, Red Rising, a sci-fi novel that takes on mars, and goes on to expand to other planets.
Red Rising is about a group of people, called the Reds, which were sent to mars to work and live beneath the soil to make it habitable for humankind to live on. They find out though that they have been slaves to all the other classes, and that humans have been living above them on mars all along. The protagonist, Darrow, takes it upon himself to disguise himself to look like one of the Gold’s, which are the leading class, and to become one of them and take them down from the inside. This series shows deep detail into the hierarchy of the society, as well as the characters that fall into it. The books kept surprising me, leaving me wanting more. The world is so deep, however, that you really have to pay attention to the characters, who they are, what families they are in, and what class they are categorized under. I would go as far to say that the story behind the characters is as in depth as those you find in game of thrones.
There may not be any in the first book, but one thing Brown does well is space battles. Any combat situation is so vivid, and into detail that you actually feel as if you’re watching it happen as you read along. And yet, even better we get to see it come to life soon. Pierce Brown’s hit series is soon to be a major motion picture. Something even more impressive is he is the one writing the screenplay. So if you’re at all interested in sci-fi novels, and looking for a good author, I highly recommend checking out this series.