If you're a bookworm like me, then this one is for you -
Books are a way to escape reality. With every word, you feel captivated. you can enter a whole new world and become an entirely different person. You can learn so many new things from reading and you can feel so much passion. In celebration of books and book lovers, here is a list of amazing books I recommend (without spoiling them for you):
“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”
― Stephen King
1. I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson
It's a book about Jude and her twin brother, Noah navigating life. This book involves tragedy, separation, resentment along with romance, inspiration, and creativity.
p.s. I read this book in one sitting
2. It's Kind of A Funny Story by Ned Vinzzini
A young boy struggles with the high expectations of life and severe depression and finds his way into a mental institution. What happen during his time in the institution? You'll have to read to find out.
3. Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness by Susannah Cahalan
A truly inspiring story about a young women who finds out she has a serious brain disease. You will find yourself feeling as if you are making this tragic journey with her. By the end, you will be feeling like you can get through and accomplish anything.
4. We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
You will get wrapped up into the world of young Cadence. You learn who her family is and who she is. But she has a secret. She feels as if something is wrong, but what is it?
5. Looking for Alaska by John Green
Most readers have already read this book. I hoped you loved it as much as me if you did, and of course I had to put it on my list of recommendations. If you haven't read it, then start.
It's about a boy who essentially meets this mysterious girl while attending boarding school. It's romance and it's by John Green - two perfect combinations.
Okay, now that I'm done - get to reading.