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5 Easy-to-Read Books That Will Hold Your Attention

Who said that reading can't be fun?

5 Easy-to-Read Books That Will Hold Your Attention

This is a response to 5 Page-Turners That Make Reading Effortless.

I would consider myself a bookworm. However, I have had some rough patches when comes to reading. Whether it is not having the time or the focus to read, there were points where the most I would read was assigned books or articles for school and that would be it. And then summer break would hit and I would start to read avidly again, then school would start and the cycle would continue. These books, however, made me fall in love with reading again.

Fight Club

Fight Club book cover

Fight Club is a wild ride, to say the least. Chuck Palahniuk’s satire is a book that will stick with you. From the beginning, you know that you’re in for a crazy story. If you are not familiar with Fight Club, I suggest that you go into this story blind for the best experience possible. You won’t regret checking this one out.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

The Perks of Being a Wallflower book cover

Stephen Chbosky’s novel captures the awkwardness, angst, and experience of being a teenager perfectly. The story deals with the sensitive subject matter in a very respectful, non-exploitative way. The story is also relatable to those who are introverts. This is a coming-of-age story with heart and humor.

One of Us is Lying

6. One of Us is Lying

Karen M. McManus takes many of the high school stereotypes and tropes and flips them around to make a page-turning mystery in One of Us is Lying. The characters who are all based on different teen story tropes feel like real people rather than walking stereotypes and have great character development and chemistry with one another. Told from four different perspectives, this after-school detention turned crime scene will keep you intrigued and invested until the very end.

Sharp Objects

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

While she may be best known for Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn’s debut came in 2006 with the release of Sharp Objects. Sharp Objects is a compelling mystery that also touches on the topic of mental illness in the process. The mystery of this small southern town will have you hooked.

Dark Places

Dark Places by Gillian Flynn

Dark Places is a thriller with so many twists and turns that you will lose count by the time you finish. Flashing back and forth between the past and the present, this story is sort of like a puzzle in the sense of the pieces eventually start to fit together and once the puzzle is complete, your mind will be blown.

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