Wonder is a story about a young boy named August Pullman, who was born with a rare medical condition called Treacher Collins syndrome and a cleft palate. This condition caused him to have a facial deformity. He lives with his sister Via, mom, dad, and a dog named Daisy. On the account of his special condition and how many times he has to undergo several surgeries over the last ten years, Auggie has been homeschool up until the fifth grade. But this year, Auggie's parents feel that he is ready to go to a real school. Auggie insisted of course, but finds himself rather excited and worry at the same time. Passing other people in a park and having them to whisper about your face is one thing, but school? Where he has to interact with children his age who surely can be mean?
This story then follows how Auggie's adjusts to his new school. Making friends, dealing with bullying, experiencing school life, everything and everyone around him. With not only Auggie's point of view but some of his friends and family member, you will find yourself wanting to turn out the pages on and on. Wonder is considered a children book, but in my opinion, every person should read this. Aside from excellent storytelling and appealing characters, this book has a beautiful and meaningful message that will poke your tears and make you smile at the same time.
To top it off, Lionsgate has made a movie based on this book. The film comes out later this year, on November 17. And like the good old bookworm that I am, make sure to read the book first before the movie hits the theater! Oh and don't forget to prepare a box of tissue when you're reading or watching the movie because it will surely make you shed your tears.