Bonnie X Clyde Boo! Arizona Interview: Outlaws On The Run | The Odyssey Online
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Bonnie X Clyde Boo! Arizona Interview: Outlaws On The Run

I got the chance to sit down with Bonnie x Clyde after their set and talk about their life so far

Bonnie X Clyde Boo! Arizona Interview: Outlaws On The Run
Malik Shelp Photography

I just want to say it and get it out of the way, but if you are not listening to Bonnie x Clyde right now or have not seen them live, you are missing out on what may possibly be one of the biggest duos in electronic dance music right now. These two are doing amazing things with EDM by combing haunting vocals and heavy bass lines. At Boo! Arizona they combined their hard-hitting tracks with everything from dubstep to bass-house to future bass, and to top it all off they mixed in Basshead by Bassnectar perfectly. These two have never turned down a fan always taking time to say hi, give a hug or two and sign fan made merch. I got to sit down with them after their set and talk about their journey and the plans they have for the future.

This duo began in Virginia where both "Bonnie" and "Clyde went to high school together and eventually going to separate colleges. It wasn't until later that they started making music together, B: "our last year of college we were on Skype every day making music on Ableton through the computer for a whole year and then we graduated and I moved to Miami where he was." Most of the time you hear about the struggles of branding and building your name and deciding if you've made the right choice, but for Bonnie and Clyde, they had already made their choice. B: "We were already both going towards music but when we came together and realized we could be a duo it was that whole experience we wanted to make it happen." They had already been making music together for around 2 years so it seemed like a logical move for them to make it a reality. With already a plethora of music made and the drive to be successful, Clyde attend the ICON Collective for a while enhancing his musical capabilities and providing him with some valuable connections. ICON Collective is a school based in L.A. that has produced some of the biggest DJ's today such as NGHTMRE, Jauz, SNBRN and Sullivan King.

Bonnie x Clyde made their debut at Life in Color in Miami and have hit the festivals like Life is Beautiful, Okeechobee, EDC and Japan. B "Okeechobee was one of my favorite festivals to date just because we played right there on the beach and you could see the whole festival." They played on the last night of the festival and from what I saw in videos, it looked like one hell of a time. C: " The night we played every stage was shut down except ours and it was just amazing you could feel the whole festival." Not to also mention that they played three different sets at EDC Las Vegas which is amazing for such new talent.

Bonnie x Clyde has been working hard to make sure that each set is memorable and special for the fans whether it is performing new music live or wearing bacon and egg costumes. It is amazing to see how much they care about the fans but more importantly, their music. B: "We don't really see what everyone else sees we are kind of in this bubble of just always being on the grind." Bonnie x Clyde has been climbing the charts for the past few months quite rapidly and sometimes this can be hard to deal with. Clyde seems to maintain focus on himself and the music and understanding that in the end, this isn't a money game. C: "Everything we do is part of the mission and I don't worry about it too much I just try to live in the moment and enjoy everything."

Bonnie x Clyde has developed their own hybrid genre between future bass and trap creating what they call, vocal bass. Bonnie has been a singer all her life and they both had a love of trap music. BxC: "All of the songs that we were making innately I [Bonnie] was singing on so it kind of just clicked together. Then future bass happened which is a lot of that whole vocal manipulation became a way bigger part of our production and we analyzed that and it became a bigger part of our project."

Bonnie x Clyde are fresh on the scene right now not only for their unique sound but also for the energy that they bring into every set. I can't wait to see where they go from here as they keep developing their sound and stay on the grind.

Go check them out on Twitter, Facebook , Instagram , and Soundcloud to stay update on their recent shows and music.

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