Zoom In and fall in love with who you are (heart, mind, soul, and body), not with who you wish you were.
1. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)
You were respectfully (fearfully) made. God thinks highly of you. He admires you. He uniquely created you with great awe (wonderfully). You amaze Him, because You are truly amazing.
2.You were created in His Image and to be like Him. (Genesis 1:26, Colossians 3:10)
God feels heartbroken when you criticize yourself, after all, you are His master piece. He made you into a beautiful piece of pottery, a vessel to be used by Him. All your flaws are beautiful to Him because its through your flaws that He finds reasons upon reasons to love you even more. It's through your flaws that He makes Himself known to you. His strength is made perfect in your flaws, and through your flaws you become more like Him, perfect, with every stroke of his hand. He is the potter and you are the clay, His perfect masterpiece. If only you would see yourself through His eyes.
3. You are (YOU)niquely you. (Isaiah 64:8)
No piece of pottery is identical. In other words, you are the only you in the entire universe. Stop, and really think about that for a minute. That laugh you hate so much or that weird thing you do when you talk makes you uniquely you. All your quirks make you who you are. That big dream you have in your heart is uniquely yours. There is no one like you. No one can accomplish what God has called YOU to do, and some people will only be able to be reached through you. You may have a crack here or there, but those cracks allow for His light to shine through. Expose those cracks, watch His light shine through and over them, and embrace your unique self. You are one in seven billion.
4. You are called. (2 Timothy 1:9)
Guys, He already knows your name. Stalker alert! But seriously God is serious about you. He has called you unto greatness. He has called you unto righteousness. He has called you unto holiness. He has called you unto perfection. He has called you to do BIG things. He has called you and even though you aren’t worthy of his calling He has made you worthy through His amazing grace. Walk worthy of it.
5. You are chosen. (1 Peter 2:9, Ephesians 1:4)
You aren’t just called, but you are chosen. Before the foundation of the earth, God chose you. He picked you to show forth His praises. He selected you to spend eternity with Him. He chose you to be His beloved. Why? Because You are peculiar, a precious pearl in His eyes.
6. You are His. (Isaiah 43:1, 1 John 3:1)
The minute you accepted God's persistent calls you became His. There is so much value in being His. Think about a groom and his bride. When the bride says “I do” to her groom she takes on his identity. She is no longer known as “Miss” but as “Mrs. Insert a nice sounding last name”. When we say “I do” to God we take on His identity. You are HIS beautiful bride.
7. You are gifted. (Romans 12:6)
We are all gifted. Some more than others, but that’s only because God knows how much you can handle. Once there were three servants. The Master gave one of the servants five bags of gold, to the other two bags of gold, and to the last one only one bag of gold. The master went on a little vacation. During that time, the servant with five bags of gold put his money to work and doubled the amount of gold he had. The servant with two bags of gold did the same and doubled his amount of gold, but the servant with only one bag of gold buried what the master gave him. Why? Because he was afraid. Maybe afraid of failure. Maybe afraid of what others would think. Maybe he was afraid of not being good enough. Maybe he was afraid of himself. Fear will paralyze you. Fear will keep you from being who you are. Don’t be the last servant and bury your gift because you are afraid. Be brave, and give out your gifts (put them to use) so that they can be multiplied. Because when you give you receive, and I don’t know about you but when my Master comes back I want to hear him say to me “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your Master’s happiness” (Matthew 5:2).
8. You are important. (Matthew 10:30-31)
When something is important, you give it the priority. You are God's priority because you are so important to Him. You matter to Him. You matter a whole lot. He says you are worth more than many sparrows. Do sparrows really have anything to worry about? God feeds them, provides for them, how much more is God going to take care of you? You are important and you should #treatyoself as such.
9. You are known. (2 Timothy 2:19, Galatians 4:9)
You love Him, because He first loved you. In the same manner, you know Him because He knows you. What defines us is being known by God, because in being known by Him we know Him and in Him is our identity found. You are known by the Creator Himself, isn't that mind blowing? He cares enough to not just know about you, but to KNOW you. You are known, you are loved.
10. You are loved. (1 John 4:19, John 3:16, Psalm 36:7, Romans 5:8)
Say it with me, “I am loved. I am loved. I am loved.” Now believe it, beloved, and start loving yourself. Your Forever Valentine.
Zoom out and fall in love with the whole picture.
"You are ALTOGETHER beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you."
Song of Solomon 4:7
"Finally, beloved, whatever is TRUE, whatever is HONEST, whatever is JUST, whatever is PURE, whatever is LOVELY, whatever is ADMIRABLE —if anything is EXCELLENT and PRAISEWORTHY— think about such things." Philippians 4:7
Think highly (of yourself). Love (yourself) BOLDLY.