Bohemian Rhapsody Is A Must See ASAP | The Odyssey Online
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'Bohemian Rhapsody' Is A Must See Movie For Everyone, Not Just Queen Fans

This movie will rock you!

'Bohemian Rhapsody' Is A Must See Movie For Everyone, Not Just Queen Fans

People know Queen for many things from their lead singer Freddie Mercury to their six-minute hit 'Bohemian Rhapsody,' but not everyone knows who Queen is. Whether you know and love Queen or you have no clue why the movie is even called 'Bohemian Rhapsody,' this is a move you need to go see right away!

I have always enjoyed Queen's music and I knew a little bit about the band, but after seeing this movie I have an even greater appreciation for the band, their music and the situations that they went through. This movie not only showed the life of Freddie Mercury, but also the band's life and did a nice job of balancing out the screen time, so it wasn't leaning more towards one or the other. It gave a great overview of both parties and how they affected one another.

The music throughout the movie is just phenomenal! All of the popular Queen songs and even a few that are more obscure, it's all there. From seeing how the band came up with ideas to the recording process, the movie really hits on how ahead of their time Queen was when it came to producing music. It has so many songs that everyone will know and others that they will be introduced to. This movie is definitely one that you and your friends can jam out to at home and sing along with Queen as you watch their lives and career unfold.

Now when it comes to the casting of this movie, wow just wow. Rami Malek as Freddie Mercury is just astounding. He truly is Freddie. Looking at actual videos of Freddie Mercury and comparing them to Malek's performance in the movie, it's uncanny. He has expertly mastered being Freddie Mercury and it truly is so entertaining to watch. The rest of the cast is also cast so well. From the other members to Mercury's family, the casting crew did a phenomenal job of casting actors who resemble everyone as close as possible.

Overall, the storyline and script for this movie were done so well. It flows so nicely and shows you a lot of things that you may or may not have known about Queen and Freddie. I am not the person to normally cry during movies, but this movie got to me. By the end of the movie, my best friend was looking over at me shocked because I was crying. This movie was so beautiful and really hits on the points of family and the concept of being able to realize who is truly there for you.

I can not recommend this movie more, even if you have no idea what the movie is about, go see it. This movie is one that may not be the best for the whole family, due to some of the nature of what is going on, but it's still a phenomenal movie. By the time you leave, you'll be blasting Queen your whole drive home darling!

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