We have all been there. We wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and are dissatisfied with even the slightest of imperfections our bodies may possess. We forget the fact that, although we are not perfect, we have been blessed with a body in which we are free to manifest our souls in. Yet, how we treat said body often varies from person to person.
We look to the world around us in hopes of obtaining direction as to how we treat ourselves.
We derive the values we have for our own bodies after making rash comparisons to another person’s. We thrive off of a constant mental competition to stay fit because we believe it defines our dignity and our self-worth. We listen carefully to the words of others, taking each compliment with a grain of salt and each criticism deeply to heart. Living through that complex? It needs to end.
It has been said that social media is one of the largest contributors to the body shaming bullsh*t that has been brought to the surface in recent years. People often attribute the blame to fitness bloggers, who share their workout routines and meal plans with the world in hopes that they will gain a following and inspire those around them to live a healthier lifestyle.
Though truthfully, in my opinion, I have nothing but respect for the men and women who choose to share their fitness regimes with the world. It is, in a sense, inspiring, and often includes many beneficial takeaways for the general public to obtain.
In contrast to this opinion, I myself believe that the twisted concept of body shaming must not delegate sole responsibility upon social media websites themselves, but specifically on their commenting sections. Often times, when scrolling through the comment section of a celebrity’s latest selfie or full-body post, it is often riddled with critiques. Accusations of photoshopping pictures are constantly mentioned, and if a woman is not depicted in her photo as “thin enough” in regards to societal standards, she is shamed relentlessly.
The continuation and ultimate acceptance of body shaming both celebrities and the men and women we interact within our everyday lives is disgusting. It is inhumane, distasteful, and heartbreaking in all senses.
Regardless of who you are or what you may look like, each person deserves to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin without being subject to the negative opinions of others.
As for those who deem it permissible to body shame, take the time to find security in yourself. In no way will you experience the realms of self-love and self-acceptance when your only goal to accomplish is bringing someone else down. Each of us deserves to apprehend a certain love for ourselves, and it can only be accomplished when you take the time to focus on yourself and not compare what you were given to what others may have.