You know how they say all this processed food is bad for you? Bad for our bodies, bad for our health. But, did you know that there’s a lot more than just junk food that's eroding our health? Things that the government and FDA still approve and allow into our homes and daily lives can be dangerous to our health.
Did you know that deodorant contains aluminum? In large quantities, this can cause interior damage to the body. And by applying deodorant and antiperspirants to the under arms it clogs your skin pores and the chemicals seep into our systems. Did you know that by clogging your pores it makes your body work harder, and in turn processes more sweat increasing perspiration and odor requiring you to use more of the product? While it's not socially acceptable in most instances to opt out of antiperspirants, it seems as if we almost have no choice but to accept the chemicals into our bodies. It's natural to sweat. Simple as that.
Products such as makeup, shampoo, and vaseline all contain chemicals that we wouldn't dare put into our systems if we truly knew and understood how they were made. These products cause acne breakouts or skin damage because we are suffocating our biggest organ with chemicals. Lead, mica, and triclosan, to name a few, are found in deodorants, facial powders, and even lipsticks. These few alone can lead to hormonal disruption. Unfortunately, we put faith and trust into the government in terms of the products it allows to be placed on the shelves at the supermarket. However, if we actually took the time to look into these products, we would be turning away in fear that we do not know the long term effects.
But, things like vaseline have been around for ages right? Yes. But, did you know that vaseline, also referred to as petroleum jelly, is just that. It says right in the name that it is made from petroleum oil—the same type that goes into our cars is applied to our faces, our skin, and our lips where it is then ingested. Despite the trustworthiness of any product, the main point is that they have not been around long enough to accurately detect long-term effects. That in itself should be concerning
European countries have started to ban chemicals and create stricter regulations in terms of the beauty and hygiene products sold in their market. The U.S. is falling behind, and we need to catch up. But, what will it take to open our eyes? Because this is not okay.
The world tells us to love our bodies and take care of them. But, how can we when the main thing on the shelves is nothing but harmful and detrimental? I wish we cared more. And I guess that’s an unfair thing to say, because there are so many issues and things in the world that need fixed—things that need attention. The answer to all of these problems is knowledge and education. With a changed mindset, we can change the world. So we can start by acknowledging the harmful products in the market and letting them know that we are not okay with it. We deserve better. Our bodies deserve better.