Social media has ruined the way we look at ourselves and I absolutely hate it.
I'm here to say; eat whatever you feel like, work out as much as you want to, and be proud of the body God gave you.
Your worth is not measured by the size of your waist. There are millions of women out there who feel the same way as you do and it's a normal thing.
It is a normal habit of ours to feel insecure at times. We are always comparing ourselves to others, looking in the mirror and pointing out every flaw. It is hard getting on social media everyday to see perfectly airbrushed women on magazines, or half naked women showing off their 'New Years Resolution Bods'. Although, not all of us women are meant to look so perfect all the time, so why are we being so harsh to ourselves over things we can't control?
Stop comparing yourself to someone you're not.
When you are scrolling through social media, you see your body through the eyes of the Victoria’s Secret models, of celebrities, of all the boys you have been in love with. All of these people are just totally irrelevant and don't matter to you. You automatically judge yourself based on them, look at yourself thinking they’re judging you, assessing whether you’re good enough for them or not, and even worse, you think your body is what defines you.
You're lying to yourself. Your body is not what defines you. You’re so much more than that. You're not like those models and celebrities. You don't have the power to be perfectly airbrushed and photoshopped for every photo you take. And guess what? You’re not supposed to be. You don’t need to be. Why would you need to fit yourself into anyone else’s beauty standard instead of just yourself, of who you feel most authentic to be?
No one on is the same. Keep in mind, everyone is born all shapes and sizes. It's crazy to understand, but that even includes those models you see in magazines. They were born with those sizes and shapes that have them doing certain things such as promoting products and modeling. They didn't have the choice to choose their bone structures or their genes. Just like you and I, it's not something you could just turn into after exhaustive diets and exercises that might even harm you.
Just breathe and look at how beautiful you are. Take a second and stop being so harsh and critical on yourself. Give your precious body a break because YOU deserve it. Your body has done a great job keeping you active, healthy, functional and yes, alive. Shouldn’t it be your turn to take good care of it now?
It feels normal to have a thought in our head every time we look in a mirror and automatically start picking out things that are wrong with us. It's almost like a voice that says we’re too much or too little but never just right and so we need to change. We are always criticizing ourselves instead of acknowledging how amazing we actually are.
Next time you look in the mirror, look at yourself like you are a little kid who recognizes herself for the first time in the mirror. Realizing how beautiful you look with the bright makeup all over your face, with the same kind of curiosity, of excitement, with no judgement, no comparison, no feeling like you’re not good enough.
When you look in the mirror, ask yourself, since when you started to let those harsh, critical thoughts start to creep inside your head, eating you away, torturing you, stopping you from realizing that you’re so beautiful you no matter what. Then let it all go. Do not let it take over.
Think about all of your friends, family, boyfriend, random strangers, giving you compliments and the happiness it gives you when you hear those things. Realize that you’re beautifully you and that beauty shines through your smile, your kindness, your courage, your amazing personality and love for everyone close to you. Believe that you will be loved for exactly who you are. You will be accepted for this body, this face and every single stretch mark, scar, blemish, and all the other beautiful flaws.
You will always have the family and friends supporting you everyday. Working hard for what you desire and being proud of yourself is what is going to help you through any obstacle. Appreciate those small gestures that go unnoticeable at times.
As you start to love yourself, and the skin and body you have been blessed with, you will be seen as more than your bone and flesh, more than anything the naked eyes could see. You will be felt from the heart by a soul that feels yours too. You deserve that. Because that's what you will get as long as you be you.
Finally, please free yourself of all the negativity.
Free yourself from judging yourself based on the latest Instagram model, stop with the beauty trends, and from people’s opinions. Never make yourself someone you are not and will never have to be. You are loved for everything about you, whether you realize it or not. Please don't ever be ashamed of who you are. Love and embrace every bit of it because you are you. No one else can be that.