So, tell me. How many times have you looked in the mirror and thought something along the lines of: I'm worthless. I hate my stomach. Maybe they'll be into me if I lose 10 pounds. I feel disgusting. I look like a pig. I hate my thighs. My butt has so much cellulite. Great, up another pound. I hate my body. My stretch marks are so ugly. No one will ever want to date me with acne like this. Ten times? Fifty times? Every single day of your life? If you're struggling with body image, self love, or body dysmorphia, I want you to understand and recognize that your body is not equivalent to your worth. How your body looks in the mirror does not determine that, nor does the number on the scale. It's easy to preach, but hard to convince, so say it with me: I am worth more than the physical appearance of my body.
Have you ever gone through the drive-thru somewhere and paid for the person's order behind you? Right, that was your flat stomach and six-pack abs that did that. Have you ever held the door open or carried items for someone who was unable to? Right again, that was definitely your giant biceps that prompted you to do such a nice act of service. Ever helped the homeless? Ever donated food or other items? Ever gave an extra big tip for phenomenal service? Yep, the glutes made you do it, I know.
Doesn't that sound absolutely ridiculous? That's because it is. You do those kinds of things because of the person you are, not because of your physical features. Your heart and your entire being are the reason you do what you do. Maybe you gained 10 pounds over the holidays, maybe your pants fit a little tighter, or maybe you don't feel as confident in your once "go-to" outfit, but that doesn't mean you aren't the same phenomenal, dedicated, passionate, and driven person. Those are qualities that don't change even when your body does. Whether you are 90 pounds, 120 pounds, or 220 pounds, overweight or underweight or anywhere in between, you are still the same person with the same heart. The sooner you realize that, the easier it will be to accept and love yourself in all forms.
Finding worth in who you are as an individual and dissociating that from your body completely isn't an easy task, but put it in perspective: Are you kind? Are you empathetic? Are you supportive? That is what's important and noteworthy. Once you're able to separate the two, the line between what matters and what doesn't becomes crystal clear.
The struggle is part of the battle, which is part of the victory. You become stronger, smarter, and more resilient each and every day. Today is the beginning of a new mindset and fresh outlook. Have faith in yourself to overcome your mental and emotional battles, because you can. You can win. You can come out on top. And you will. You will succeed, and you will conquer.