We all have a little Tina, Louise, Gene, Linda, and Bob in us. Even though we're only a couple weeks into the semester, I'm willing to bet you can relate to at least one of these quotes from your favorite Belcher!
Tina Belcher
1."I'm a smart, strong, sensual woman"
Say this in the mirror everyday before class. Studies show it’s the first step in getting straight A’s this semester. Okay, there aren’t actual studies, but do it anyway.
2."Oh, it's okay, I guess I wasn't meant to have a good life"
Sometimes acceptance is the most important thing in life. Just keep swimming!
3. "Brr, it sure is cold in here. I wish some strong, chivalrous man would lend me his jacket...or pants."
Perfect for when you're walking home from a party with the cute guy you were awkwardly dancing next to all night and want to make a casual move.
Gene Belcher
1. "My life is more difficult than anyone else's on the planet, and yes I'm including starving children so DON'T ASK."
Sometimes you need to skip the actual party and throw a pity party.
2. "*whispers* was it obvious I don't care?"
When you have to pretend to be interested in a conversation until your friend saves you from nearly dying of boredom.
3. "If I'm online, I'm looking at sloths!"
Don't bother me! I'm relaxing!
Louise Belcher
1."Oh, I swear to God, if you keep talking I'm gonna gut punch you!"
When that annoying kid in class won't shut up and you're already 2 minutes and 49 seconds over time
2. "Cute? He's the reason faces were invented, you idiot!"
When your friends don't agree that the super cute guy you think is super cute is super cute too.
3. "Why don't you try speaking in words instead of your damn, dirty lies!"
When your teacher says you will have no problem getting an A in the class and you get a negative 47% on the first quiz
Linda Belcher
1. “That signs says no running but you’re running mouth!"
When people try to tell you what to do
2. “Are you drunk enough to have any fun yet?”
When you get your really uptight friend to go out your
3. “Tina, stop kissing strange boys in the diary fridge”
When your friends are a little out of control…
Bob Belcher
1. “You’re kind of heading towards the only other car in the lot.”
When you feel like everything that should be totally simple turns out to a total sh*tshow.
2. “You’re my family and I love you, but you’re terrible.”
When your new squad is busting on you but you can’t help but love them.
3. “No, no. Look at me, I’m nothing.”
When the teacher calls on you even though you’re slouched in the back with no hand raised.