It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; to put it simply, 2018 was an interesting year. However, as 2018 comes to a close, everyone begins to reflect on the areas in life that they want to change and begin creating the ever so famous new year's resolution list.
However, the thing about new year's resolutions is that people only care about them for about the first three weeks of the year. So today I propose a way to inspire you to not only make some awesome goals for 2019 but to also have a way to remember your goals throughout the year. And who is the best figure to use to help us remember our goals?
Well, Bob Ross, of course! Here you will find 19 Bob Ross quotes to help you ring in the new year with a fresh mind, a new outlook!
1. Talent is a pursued interest. Anything that you're willing to practice, you can do.
As 2019 begins, remember to make your goals things that are of interest to you. Mr. Ross knows a little something about this. In fact, he never knew he had a knack for painting until he pursued it.
2. There is nothing wrong with having a tree as a friend.
GiphyAs we end 2018, our environment is not exactly where we need it to be. So maybe for 2019, befriend a tree and become a little bit of a tree hugger to help our good ol' mother Earth.
3. The secret to doing anything is believing that you can do it. Anything that you believe you can do strong enough, you can do.
Like Bob said, have faith in yourself that you can accomplish your goals this coming year. It does not matter how long it takes you to reach your goal, just don't stop believing.
4. Wash the brush, and just beat the devil out of it.
A lot of times when the new year comes, people want to get rid of the toxic stuff whether it be bad habits or bad people. However, the funny thing about life is that no matter how many times you get rid of the bad, new bad always finds a way in. So for this 2019, when the bad times come, just beat the devil out of it!
5. This is your world. You're the creator. Find freedom on the canvas. Believe that you can do it 'cause you can do it.
New year, new you! You have the freedom to take yourself wherever you want to go! You are the creator of your 2019.
6. Let's just get a little crazy here.
When working on yourself, don't forget to have fun this year as well.
7. Look around. Look at what we have. Beauty is everywhere - you only have to look to see it.
The world we live in can be a dark and scary place. There is a lot of ugly going on in the world, but remember to find the good in your days as well no matter what is going on globally, in your backyard, or in your own life. There is always something good happening.
8. There is nothing that breeds success like success.
It's all about baby steps to accomplish your goals. Focuses on the tiny successes you have in the process of getting ot the end goal. Success builds on success.
9. Ever make a mistake in life? Let's make them into birds. Yeah, they're birds now.
Let's face it, you're human. You're going to crash and burn at some point this year. Instead of focusing on whatever happens that is going to go wrong, just brush it off and make it into something good.
10. Everyday is a good day to be alive.
No matter what life throws at you, just be grateful to be alive.
11. Don't be afraid to go out on a limb. That's where the fruit is.
Do not be afraid to try the new things that come your way this year. You never know just what goodness is in store when you go out on a limb.
12. Trees don't always grow straight. They grow however makes them happy.
Remember that in the bad times is when we grow the most. No one grows from simply having a good life.
13. It's so important to do something everyday that makes you happy.
Things like anxiety and depression are real and are very common. Make sure to set aside time in your day to do something you love. Self care is okay and very healthy.
14. We are going to make some big decisions in our little world.
Like I said, go whichever way the wind blows you in 2019. Do not be afraid to make big life choices. You only live once.
15. Whatever makes you happy you put in your world.
Remember to surround yourself with the people you truly love.
16. Cause everyone needs a friend.
You know that one person you see sitting by themselves at lunch, in class, in the office, at the park? Go out and be their friend, help make a difference in the world.
17. It's amazing what you can do with a little love in your heart.
Remember to do what you love and do everything in love. When you do this, you will not believe what you can accomplish.
18. I can't afford to hate people. I don't have that kind of time.
Let go of the hate. Let go of the pettiness. Ain't nobody got time for that. In fact, forgive and not slow down.
19. We don't make mistakes, just happy accidents.
Last, but not least no matter what mistakes you make, they're just happy accidents. Get back up, learn from what you did and try again.