Blue Collar Workers | The Odyssey Online
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Blue Collar Workers

The true backbone of America.

Blue Collar Workers

Can you imagine a life without paved roads? Electricity everywhere you go? Gas stations? Houses and indoor plumbing? In the United States, we have it pretty good, but sometimes we forget who to thank for that. I am a small town boy from the Midwest, the geographical location typically awarded as the place with the best work ethic. Many would say that this is because of our heritage: mostly Scandinavian settlers who farmed for a living. Even though I grew up in the Midwest, I don't feel completely connected with my roots. I didn't grow up on a farm; the closest thing to manual labor I ever experienced was yard work. But that changed last summer when I came to North Dakota to pay for my college expenses... It's time that we remember who is the back bone of our country: The Blue-Collar Workers of America.

This summer and last, I experienced something that has given me more appreciation for manual labor, the true meaning of hard work.

As a society, we take for granted those working in unskilled or even skilled labor occupations, unless we have direct ties with someone in that area of work. We forget who we have to thank for smooth roads to drive on, electricity to heat our homes, or the gas to fuel our vehicles. It is the people who work 34-hour shifts sometimes to provide a service for the rest of us to enjoy. And without air conditioning, might I add. I think that we sometimes look down on those who work these kinds of jobs because it takes more brawn than brains to complete the job. I can 100 percent guarantee that isn't true. Building a pipeline to transport oil takes a lot of precision to make sure that it is fabricated and installed properly. Our homes could not stand if those building them didn't have the know-how; it isn't as easy as 1-2-3. Remember the farmers who grow produce so that we can enjoy the luxuries of any food we want both nationally and internationally. Jobs that require manual labor are not just for those who didn't finish their high school diploma or didn't go on to college. These jobs are for those who live and breathe the long hours, strenuous physical requirements and mental capabilities to do what most of us can't. We call many of our blue collar jobs unskilled. Well, let me tell you that it takes more skill than you know.

The next time you drive down a paved road, which is almost always, remember the construction crew that built it. When you go to bed at night, think of the builder who put the roof over your head. When you put fuel in your car, know that you are using a service provided to you by an American Blue Collar Worker. Remember who is the true back bone of America. Without them, we wouldn't be where we are today.

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