I’ve spent the past week or two trying to adjust to Machine Gun Kelly's new album, and I do not think I am capable of doing so. This man’s music has been there through so many life events, and I was more than hyped for Bloom. However, once I gave it a listen I was less than impressed. Honestly, I’m riding the struggle bus attempting to put my feelings toward Bloom into words. I get it, MGK took a different approach to his typically raw music, and it shocked his fans because it was not nearly as hardcore as Lace Up and General Admission. I had the same problem when Mac Miller released Blue Slide Park; I was ready for something amazing to happen and ended up being utterly disappointed when the album became available for the public.
We’re given “The Gunner” as the opener, which is pretty decent. It’s rowdy, fast-paced, and still sounds like the old Kells. From there, however, we head downhill and DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON WHO’S ON THIS ALBUM WITH HIM. I mean, if we take Hailee Steinfeld off “At My Best” it would be a pretty decent song. I was digging the song until she started with that chorus, then I was completely turned off. It felt a lot like Eminem and Rhianna’s “The Monster” or when Mac Miller and Ariana Grande recorded “The Way.” However, when it comes to “Go For Broke” or “Wake and Bake,” I’ve got nothing!
Sure, if you give an artist long enough their style of music will change somewhat. When blink-182 and Fall Out Boy first came back from their hiatus’ they did not sound the same as when they left the scene. It’s normal; people change and deal with specific experiences, but it seems like Bloom came out of NOWHERE. It was not anything like I was expecting to hear. Where did the hardcore, no f**ks given rapper go? MGK has always given it his all with meaningful and emotional tracks, but his new songs are a different type of emotion. Something is definitely lacking on the latest album, but I'm hoping it will grow on me if I listen more. As it is, I have already gotten used to "Trap Paris" and "Let You Go" so who knows what will happen.
Favorite Song: “The Gunner.”
Least Favorite Song: “Go For Broke.”