It's scary to think that things around us can change so quickly; in the blink of an eye, the turn of a head, things change. The world is in constant motion, it takes no breaks for anyone and we cannot reverse time. Days pass us by as problems arise with no resolution.
Shootings happen overnight, civilians are gunned down for reasons unknown, raped behind dumpsters, and those who are here to protect us are harmed in the process as well. People all around the world are killed every day, yet we as a society cannot just see that as one in the same.
All lives matter. Black lives matter. White lives matter. Gay lives matter.
Today's "Black Lives Matter" movement is not one that is trying to take away from the struggles that others go through, it is simply being used to get a message across to those who are not the same color and those who do not feel the same oppression as they do. It is a platform for people of color to finally speak up, and be heard.
As I scroll through my news feeds and look online, I see numbers, numbers of people that are gone, deceased and no longer on this earth. Numbers of families that won't get another chance to see their loved ones again. Numbers of people that now have to adjust to a life without them in it. We are all but a number, all part of one race instead of these subdivisions we have become accustomed to labeling people as. We are all humans and that is what people today are forgetting.
I look at my surroundings. I see my co-workers and neighbors and sometimes I can see a fear in them that cannot be explained. A fear of saying too much or not saying enough and the uncertainty that comes with each of those "what if's".
What if we were all treated the same? What if our justice system didn't give preference to those with money and power? What if our world was built on equality instead
I think about how one day my generation will bring kids into the world and we will have to explain to them the dangers of what can happen and what does happen to others around us. I think of how hard it is for me, as a 21-year-old incoming member of society to wrap my head around what goes on in today's world and how much harder it will be to explain that to another human life.
Is there even an explanation? How much more time must pass before we, young and old, can wrap our heads around what things go wrong for events like these to happen? We all need a little bit of forward thinking within a world that seems to be so backward.
Blood is blood. Lives are lives.