"There will always be someone blonder, richer, and skinnier than you."
This was a piece of advice that I had overheard the other day. I read it over again. And again. What does this say to you?
To me, this advice can be taken in two ways. You can let it consume you, and strive to work to an undefined ideal; or, you can restructure the message into something more positive.
I choose the latter.
I am deciding to make this phrase work for me instead of against me, which is a good skill to have in today's world. Yes, there may be someone who fits the above ideal more so than I do. That should not discourage me, nor should I use it to discredit the lifestyle and happiness of someone else.
We should be building each other up, rather than using our own insecurities to tear each other down.
Each and every person brings a unique light, life, and voice to the world. Why should you let such inconsequential things, like material objects and physical appearance, dictate how you feel about yourself? Trick question—you shouldn't.