Having the ability to shake off those who envy and bully you takes guts, kid. There will always be someone in your life who will try to bring you down. Why? Because why not? At the end of the day, the only thoughts and dreams that matter are your own - not theirs. So why would you let them bring you down?
With all hate aside, if you have the drive and determination, anything is possible. People may judge you because you aspire to do something different, but let them. You are only able to live once, which means that every minute you are awake should be spent living life.
No matter how old you are or what you do, there is always going to be someone to try to belittle you. If we let them win, what does that say about us? We are all the same on the inside, yet we are all entirely unique. What one person likes is going to be different than what other people like. So, why judge people?
We now live in a time when the voices we have are speaking louder than ever. The world is able to connect and reach out in ways that were unimaginable 50 years ago. Because we are growing so quickly, being able to stand out is important. There are billions of people on this planet and only one of you, so why do you matter?
If there is one thing I have learned, it is that as long as my heart is beating, I have a purpose. If I can still be a good Samaritan and make someone smile, I matter. If I am still able to chase my dreams without giving up, I keep surviving. I fully believe that as we grow up, we forget how short our time is.
No matter what you do with your life, make sure it is for yourself and no one else. If there is someone that always makes you think less of yourself, put your armor on, and “block out the haters.” It is important to be different and to chase your own dreams. By staying true to yourself, no matter the circumstances, you will be absolutely amazed at what you can accomplish.
I have been bullied my entire life; when I decided to go to college, everything changed because I put on my armor. I stayed true to myself because I love being the person I am, and with that, all of my dreams started to slowly come true. Reaching your dreams and always surpassing your expectations for yourself has to be the greatest feeling in the world.
That old saying, “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” by Dr. Seuss is so true, especially now. You are one in a billion, meaning you are one in a billion reasons that being different is something that should be celebrated. It is so much sweeter in life to be an original rather than to be a copy of someone else, trust me on that one.