Marilyn Monroe once said that diamonds are a girl's best friend. However, I'd have to contradict that statement. Can diamonds assist you with making decisions relating to fashion/makeup? Absolutely not. Can diamonds give you advice regarding dating and boys? It would be a miracle if they could. Are diamonds one phone call away when you just want to have a random conversation? Even if they spontaneously grew fingers and lips, they'd never measure up to the friends I currently have, especially my best friend from my hometown of New Jersey. Best friends are rare, unique, and special like diamonds. But, unlike these beautiful gems, a best friend should not cost thousands of dollars, and their personality shimmers from the inside rather than just their exterior. My best friend, Erin, is like a treasured jewel I found hidden in a chest after several years. Over the years she's been more than just my best friend. She's my second sister, mentor, voice of reason, and most importantly, a blessing.
Erin came into my life after I lost one of my closest friends, Paige due to complications involving her epilepsy. It was a week after her passing, and I had decided to attend a yoga class just for fun. All of a sudden, from the corner of my eye and mat, I saw Erin performing stretches in the back corner of the room. I had only spoken to Erin a few times in middle school, but I decided now would be the perfect time to reintroduce myself to her after a couple of silent years. Immediately, our personalities went together like a lid to the right Tupperware container (and no all you theater majors/lovers out there, I was not planning on making a reference to Grease). At first, we only spent time together at yoga classes and had mini lunch hangouts, but fate destined us to grow closer as friends. Eventually, Erin transitioned from friend to best friend, and ever since we've been inseparable.
From there, we've experienced countless life milestones and memories together. From prom, to our senior trip in Disney World, and even walking down the high school football team in our cap and gown, we encountered some extremely incredible and frightening moments together. I even grew close with several of Erin's friends, and expanded my adventure horizon with them. My life has now become an endless map filled with exciting moments with every place we visit, and every small memories we make together.
Erin has become one of the many major influences in my life as the years progressed. Although we are separated by hundreds of miles during the college semester (she goes to Columbia University and I attend Muhlenberg College), it's always such a surprise to walk through the doorsteps of my home, knowing that Erin is just around the corner, and that we will be able to experience more fabulous moments and journeys together.
So thank you, Erin, for always being a huge part of my life, and creating wonderful moments with me to add to my book of adventure, and always being there to support me, even when distance seems to isolate us.
I can't wait to see what 2017 brings for our next story.