She’s been there you’re entire life… literally. She learned how to kick your butt when you needed to learn a lesson, but at the end of the day, she’s your big sister and one of the biggest female role models in your life. Fighting is just the right of passage to make you tougher and able to stand up for yourself when the time comes. She always has something horrible to say about you to her friends but is the first one to compliment you to your family. She’s the best friend you don't always want but are blessed to be stuck with.
When your young and your personalities are polar opposite, it may seem like you will never learn how to stand each other. With age, heartbreak and life lessons, you learn to look at your big sis with pure and uncharted love and to praise her for everything she has accomplished. Whether she becomes a model, lawyer, or even the future face of Public Health Media Advocate, you will be there to applaud her triumphs and help her overcome her hardships.
She’s the only person who understands what you're going through when family troubles arise and, even if she’s not much for verbal consoling, her kind eyes and comforting hug reassure you that everything will be okay one day. You usually share all the weirdest food interests and compete to see who can be grosser (like who can eat an entire tub of cream cheese faster). She hates so many things you love but learns to accept them and support them because that’s what sisters are for.
She hates the friends who burned you in the past and loves the ones who are still here through it all. She supports and trusts that you chose the right people for you and your happiness. But, above all of it, you know for a fact the no matter what crappy situations life throws your direction, she will always be there for you. She will have your back no matter what. She's only a phone call, car or a plane ride away and she’s willing to listen, then offer blunt (and usually rude) advice. She knows how to make whatever is bothering you feel like a stupid problem.
Embrace what makes you opposite and flourish in your similarities because you always know one thing for sure; you will always have the love of your big sister.
Ps: This one's for you, Chicka. Love you, Sissy!