If you told me years ago where I'd be right now, I'd think you were insane.
I always used to have such a pessimistic outlook on life. I believed that nothing good ever happened to me, I would never have amazing life experiences, I would never sustain good relationships with people, and I would never be happy.
It sounds completely dramatic now that I'm thinking about it, but it's true. That's what I thought, and nothing and no one could've made me think otherwise.
But right now, at this point in time, all of that turned out to be untrue. I can't exactly pinpoint the time in which this change in my life happened, but I'm so thankful it did.
I'm the happiest I've ever been at this exact moment.
I've made the most amazing friendships, and I have so many people that I can go to for anything.
I have had incredible opportunities, whether it be getting on executive boards for clubs I'm in, joining a sorority that's changing Greek Life around my college, attending endless concerts and music festivals, going on trips to the Poconos, Ireland, the shore, etc... it really feels like I'm living my dream life.
I do something new almost every single day.
Sometimes I can't even sleep at night because I'm excited to get up and start a whole new day with endless possibilities.
This all might seem cliche to say, but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. Things are only just getting started, and I still have the rest of my life to do more. To be more, to create more, and to simply live more.
I'm so blessed to be living the life that I am, and I hope you feel the same way too.