"There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution." -- John Adams
As one of my favorite political quotes of all time, I cannot think of a better way to describe the current state of our nation. In the midst of an election that no one wants to be a part of, we are being forced to choose between two candidates that I'm willing to bet the majority of the people of this country do not want in office. People's opinions nowadays seem to range from voting for Clinton to keep Trump out of the White House or voting for Trump because Clinton represents everything that is wrong with today's political system.
Please do not get this twisted: I am 100 percent for a female president. People were hesitant when Barack Obama became the first African-American president, and people are going to be hesitant when the first woman gets into the Oval Office. That's just how people are when barriers like that are broken. I do truly believe that one day a woman will become the Commander-in-Chief of the United States, whether that be this year or somewhere down the road, but I would prefer it to be the right woman. And I firmly believe that Hillary Clinton is not that woman.
There was a time when I was leaning towards voting for Clinton, simply because I found myself leaning towards more liberal ideas this race (I originally supported Bernie Sanders), but I cannot sit here and ignore what has transpired in the last month and a half as it pertains to the Democratic party.
First, there's the continuous scrutiny that Clinton has endured since the attack on a United States outpost in Benghazi back in 2012. Clinton has admitted that she was responsible for the security decisions involving each and every one of the posts that America has all over the world, and since she was the Secretary of State at the time, it seems fair to put a lot of the blame on her for the failure to prevent the attack as well as protect those at the post. The attack resulted in the death of four Americans, and many (including myself) have yet to find themselves able to trust her as a result of such a failure.
And if that doesn't get under your skin enough, then comes the private email server scandal that has plagued Clinton for the majority of this year, which many people have attempted to tell me is "not a big deal." Of the 30,000 emails that were found on Clinton's personal server, 110 in 52 different chains were found to contain classified information at the time they were sent. Eight of those 52 chains contained information that is deemed top secret, and others contained information considered confidential.
This is no small thing to be caught with, considering it's a felony to mishandle classified information either intentionally or in a grossly negligent way, according to the statement from FBI Director James Comey. In this same statement from early July, Comey stated that while there is no evidence that Clinton or her colleagues intentionally tried to hide the emails, "there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information." Extremely careless equals negligent. Easy as that.
Tell me that doesn't sound like she broke the law and deserves to be punished, either with some kind of jail time or at the very least removed from the presidential race. And yet, despite all of this evidence that is out in the open, Comey said there would be no charges brought on Clinton. It's as if an attorney found evidence that a murder occurred, knew who the murderer was, and simply decided not to press charges. It's ludicrous, and it reeks of corruption.
The corruption that appears to be coursing through the veins of the Democratic Party was only further brought to light with the Democratic National Committee email leaks, courtesy of WikiLeaks. When these were first leaked, my first thought gravitated to the fact that the government is corrupt already and this is nothing new, but how sad is that to think? The fact that the DNC, who is supposed to remain neutral during primary elections, was pushing for Clinton to win and trying to take down Bernie Sanders at every turn is absolutely terrible. For all we know, Sanders could have won the Democratic race had the party not been completely against him.
America is supposed to be a representative democracy, where the people are represented by the officials that they choose to elect into office. That is no longer the case. The party system is getting out of control, and the parties are deciding who they want to run more than the people who keep this nation afloat. Hillary Clinton is at the forefront of all that is wrong with the government today, showcasing the corruption of the Democrats on a daily basis, and it's all being ignored simply because of the candidate that the GOP has put forward.
Only when November rolls around are we going to know who is the victor of this farce of a presidential race. Only one thing seems to be an absolute certainty: the winner will either be the Democrats or the Republicans. We either get a politician that consistently lies and should not be trusted, or we get a businessman with radical viewpoints on foreign affairs. America loses no matter which way this race ends, and that is the sad reality we have to live with.