Hey there Upper East Siders,
Blair Waldorf is the ultimate Queen B. She is sassy, she is classy and, if we are being honest, she is a bit smart-assy. You all need to take some notes from her.
2. "Once men have tasted caviar, it baffles me how they settle for catfish."
#classy to say the least coming from Queen B herself.
3. "Destiny is for losers. It's just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen."
Listen to Queen B, get off of your butts, and make things happen.
5. "Feelings never do make sense. They get you all confused. Then they drive you around for hours before they drop you right back where you started."
Instead of feelings, can I just be full of tacos?
6. "Have a little Faith, and if that doesn't work, a lot of mimosas."
Always important to have a plan B.
7. "Just because we can't be together doesn't mean I don't love you."
Well if that ain't the truth.
9. "The thing about new beginnings is that they require something else to end."
One door closes, another one opens.
10. "He ended up treating me as something he owned instead of something he earned."
You are a princess and deserve to be treated as one. Yes, you.
11. "Three words. Eight letters. Say it and I'm yours."
I love you.
12. "They say it's a broken heart, but I hurt in my whole body."
13. "I will not be weak anymore."
Damn straight.
14. "You can't make people love you, but you can make them fear you."
Oh? Getting a little fiesty there, aren't we?
15. "People don't write sonnets about being compatible or novels about shared life goals and stimulating conversation. The great lovers are the crazy one."
I mean, not that shared life goals or stimulating conversation are a bad thing....
17. "Stop whatever you're doing. We need to shop."
18. "I don't think Jesus would approve of that."
19. "If you're going to be sad, you might as well be sad in Paris."
I think this should be my new motto.
21. "You're kinda boring."
Honesty is the best policy.
22. "It was once said that a person's eyes are the windows to their soul. That was before people had cellphones."
Oh, the 21st century....
23. "I don't need a boyfriend to be fulfilled."
Nope, just some French fries #FriesBeforeGuys.
25. "You are living proof a person can't buy class."
Burn.... Can't you hear that sizzle?
26. "We can't let the men of our past define us."
I would not want to be defined by Louis's awful behavior either, Blair.
27. "I'm the best of the best. I'm Blair Waldorf."
I hope you have as much confidence as Queen B.
You know you love me.
Gossip Girl