I never thought that such an annoying inconvenience could bring so many college students together. Many of the students here at SUNY New Paltz can recall the blackout that occurred about two weeks ago–yes, right in the middle of midterms for some. Many students found this to be quite the inconvenience, being unable to charge their phones, unable to get onto the internet through their laptops, and also unable to see clearly when walking outside. Some of the words used to describe this three-hour period of darkness were "stupid," "horrible," and, of course, "dark." While yes these were "dark" times on the New Paltz campus and also throughout the town, there rapidly developed a certain sense of community. For the first time all year, everyone's doors in my hall were wide open, and even more shocking, neighbors were talking to one another. Yes, actual conversation partook between RAs and freshman alike, with dorm rooms welcoming to almost any and all conversation that came their way. This was a true sense of community that I have yet to experience on this campus, or any campus, for that matter. While inside the dorms was a welcoming community of your closest strangers, outside held something much greater.
While many were shaken with the fear of clowns and general darkness, an unlit campus was probably the most exciting thing I was able to experience in my time here. Without a care in the world and any means by which to accomplish said care, quads were filled with all types of people from all different walks of college life. There were flow artists lighting the night with LEDs, musicians filling the seemingly endless void with beautiful sound, frisbees attempting to be caught, lovers laughing, friends having fun, and once untouched dorm snacks being eaten by the dozen. Everyone was able to come together in the acceptance that "hey, I can't do anything productive, might as well take a break." Sometimes we all need to take a break, climb a tree, sing out loud, and binge on some back of the shelf snacks with good friends. Once in a while, we can all stand to shut off the lights and open the door.