The large organization that everyone knows about, Black Lives Matter, claims to be “committed to collectively, lovingly and courageously working vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people.” They allegedly practice empathy, and learn and intend to connect with other contexts. They "commit to embodying and practicing justice, liberation, and peace in our engagements with one another.” Members of the organization march with signs that say “stop racism,” “we have nothing to lose but our chains”, or that policemen choose to see the bad in African Americans. The fact of the matter is, yes there are some bad cops out there, but there are some people who were committing crimes that cops were obligated to shoot as well. It's coming to a point where police officers are being shot just for being police officers; they wear the badge, so they must be racist. The organization is calling Caucasians racists, but aren’t they being racist too?
The recent shooting of five policemen in Dallas, Texas is one example of the organizations miscommunication and disorganization. Something that should be used to change for the better is causing more violence than there ever was before. with people suggesting that white people will be the new slaves because of the movement.
Moreover, the event with protesters blocking the highway by holding hands in a line is another example showing that the organization does not understand the meaning of others lives too. They are being selfish with their ways. Thirteen people were arrested in the event, not because of the color of their skin or because of bad cops- they were arrested because of the law; they did something wrong. As others have suggested, what if there was a woman on the way to the hospital about to give birth, or anyone on their way to the hospital; a single parent trying to get home to a child? If Black Lives Matter was really “committed to embodying and practicing justice, liberation, and peace by engaging others,” there would be no shootings or arrests -- there would be conversations and debates. It would be civil and a good mark of history; the way they are doing it now is not creating any change, it's making more people afraid and withdrawn from listening to the point they supposedly trying to make.
I am a 20-year-old, white female. I do not see the difference in pigment of people’s skin. I obey the law, and if I didn’t I would take the responsibility and realize what I had done wrong rather than blame it on something else, like the color of my skin or a bad cop. That’s what the problem is -- people not taking responsibility for their own wrongs. Bad cops, bad people -- it doesn’t matter what you look like.
The organization that is supposed to be creating good is creating fear. Black lives, white lives, we are all human. All lives matter. Until they realize that, they will continue to take lives.