In the recent rise of superhero movies, the appearance of black heroes in Hollywood films has made a trend in the past year. Some might think this is just a simple addition to an already popular franchise, but for the black community, it's the start of a new era.
We all know the superheroes who are always in the spotlight and have been inspirations for many kids across the world. Well-known heroes, such as Batman or Spiderman, who have built a reputation for themselves that by just hearing their names, already brings this childhood nostalgia. However, as a black kid in America, you slowly start to realize the differences between you and the hero you idealize.
Not just the fact that they have powers, but the color of their skin or the environment they live in can create a disconnect. Then the child begins to believe that their hero isn't someone they can actually strive to be.
It's every child's dream to be like their hero, but it's hard to imagine that when there isn't a role model that actually looks like you.
That's why recent superhero shows like "Luke Cage" have been positively received by the black community, both younger and older audiences. Seeing a hero with their skin color or living a similar lifestyle closes that gap of superheroes being unreachable for black people.
There are a lot more films with black actors and actresses in lead roles compared to the past. But of course, it wasn't always like that. Sometimes it was hard to find a movie that portrayed a black person in a positive light. You could either see a black man as the drug dealer or the thug, but what about a superhero? What about someone who can inspire the young generation to become more than what society sets up for them?
This isn't to say that there were never black superheroes in comics or movies. There were heroes like Storm from "X-Men." But usually, they are minor characters who aren't often seen in the spotlight and aren't very noticeable. They aren't easily remembered as Superman or another hero whose name titles the movie or comic.
You don't see action figures of these characters or see them in their own movie. But that all changed with the release of "Black Panther." This was not only a milestone in the black community, but it meant an introduction to a new era. A different atmosphere was created. There was a sense of pride and confidence in the community.
The current younger generation can now grow up seeing a figure that looks like them. These recent years has definitely been great with the release of Netflix series, "Luke Cage," television series, "Black Lightning," and Hollywood movie, "Black Panther." This is an inspiring trend that is emerging and hopefully will continue for many more years to come.
However, it doesn't just stop here, I hope to see more superheroes of different races and cultures leading their own Hollywood films in the upcoming years.