Congratulations black people, you have done it again. You have successfully failed yourself and your future generations once again. Sadly, even though you have been oppressed for over four centuries, you have not learned anything yet. You still patiently wait and beg for “Massa”, politicians (specifically the white ones), to make you equal. You like to play “pretend activist” and claim how you are the next Malik Hajj El-Shabazz (formally known as Malcolm X), but using Martin Luther King Jr tactics. Let me get this straight, you seen Birth of a Nation but still want to march, get angry when you are gunned down without reason and still saying “#BlackLivesMatter”, scream unity and equality to the top of your lungs after you get called a “Nigger”. Let's just have a quick chat about black issues. Everybody wants to be “woke” until it's time to rebel. Black people need to rely on each other and only each other to survive.
Black people, you are angry and disappointed that the presidential election did not go in your favor. Massa Hillary Clinton lost the electoral college after she won the populist vote, this is the issue. Once again you have put your faith and loyalty into a rich, white politician because you think the system is actually here to help you. The system is not broken, it just ain't for you. You claim that President-Elect Donald J. Trump is a racist because he said, "Look at how much African American communities are suffering from Democratic control. To those I say the following: What do you have to lose by trying something new like Trump? What do you have to lose?...You live in your poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?". Yet over 90% of black voters voted for the actual racist, Hillary Clinton. Did you forget that she said, “We need to take these people on...they are not just gangs of kids anymore. They are often the kinds of kids that are called superpredators — no conscience, no empathy. We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first, we have to bring them to heel”? Allow me to define the terms “superpredator” and “heel”. Superpredator is a youth who repeatedly commits violent crimes as a result of being raised without morals; theoretically arising from dysfunctional homes, inadequate schools, and morally bankrupt communities. The verb form of “heel” means to follow closely behind its owner. You are “with her”, but you do not even know that she is not with you nor for you.
Since we are on the topic of Massa Hillary's use of “superpredator” and “heel”, I will now explain why she spoke to and of blacks in that form. Those infamous terms were coined by Massa Hillary while she was giving support of her husband's crime bill in 1994. Which lead to the state of mass incarceration that the US is in currently. By the way the black community suffers from it the most. Seriously, it is utterly sad that all it took was saying that she keeps hot sauce in her purse, doing the Dab, going to HBCUs, and standing beside famous black people and smiling and you forget that that devil is not for you.
A day after the election you want to hop on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and go outside and chant “fuck Donald Trump, he's not my president”, but I bet you as soon as those militarized law enforcement officers come and start beating you, all you will do is record the beating and scream “police brutality”. You are not the young Malik Hajj El-Shabazz, you are a conforming, sheep. This is what El-Shabazz had to say on voting, specifically to black democrats, “Any time you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that party can't keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you are dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party -- you're not only a chump but you're a traitor to your race”. I am not solely targeting democrats, but since a lot of you will not listen to blacks, maybe you will listen to a white man. President Lyndon Baines Johnson said during his term, “These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years”.
The solution is to rely on each other. Provide goods and services for each other, group economics. Black people, you have the ability to govern yourselves, you have the power to support yourselves, so do it.