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22 Black-Owned Etsy Shops With The Perfect Gifts For Everyone In Your Life — Including You

Treat yourself and your loved ones while supporting Black creatives and artisans.

22 Black-Owned Etsy Shops With The Perfect Gifts For Everyone In Your Life — Including You
R-KI-TEKT, Pontie Wax, Lovely Earthlings, and blade + bloom on Etsy

The world is taking action against the injustices and under-representation plaguing Black lives, and one small but impactful thing you can do to actively make a difference is support Black-owned businesses.

Etsy is likely one of your go-to sites for gift-buying, but have you ever paid attention to which independent artists and sellers you're buying from?

From jewelry and accessories to candles and home decor, these 22 Black-owned shops are full of cute and quality items perfect for everyone in your life — including you! So start shopping now, and bookmark your favorites so you can continue supporting Black-owned businesses whenever possible.


Leather Passport Cover - Yoahni Print

From hand-painted leather goods to wooden jewelry, this unique shop features classy and one-of-a-kind accessories.

2. Lingua Nigra

Small Poetic Gold Hoop

This shop sells handcrafted natural jewelry, and their earring selection is gorgeous.

3. Kingsley Leather

Men's Leather Wallet, Handmade Bi-fold Wallet, 3rd Anniversary Gift For Him, Everyday Cardholder, Wallet for Boyfriend

Shop owner Kingsley Thompson sells handcrafted leather wallets, belts, and accessories.

4. Pontie Wax

Fig + Olive | Luxe | Soy Wax | Single Candle

Looking for 100 percent soy wax candles? Look no further.

5. Fifteen And Fifteen

Black Medium Sized Backpack

This shop sells handmade handbags, and their fanny packs and backpacks are fit for any fashionista.

6. Omi Woods

THE EGYPTIAN Coin Necklace Stack II

This jeweler specializes in coin necklaces and pendants and has been seen in Essence, British Vogue, Ebony, Cultured Magazine, Refinery29, and more.

7. Lovely Earthlings

Turn over a new Leaf ART PRINT

Lovely Earthlings sells beautiful and unique art prints, tote bags, and greeting cards.

8. The Pink Locket

Confident Women Jewelry Dish - Black and White - Slay - Effortless Beauty - Boss Lady

Whether you're looking for minimalist metal jewelry or motivational jewelry dishes, this is the store for you.

9. Copper and Brass Paper

Goal Getter Black Girl Notebook; A5 Spiral Journal, College Ruled; Black Girl Magic Silver Bound Notebook; Afrocentric Gifts for Black Girl

This paper supply shop sells wrapping paper, notebooks, and other goods that reflect diversity.

10. Aquarian Thoughts

Forget Me Knot Ring, 2 Knot Stacking Ring, Friendship Ring, Love Symbol Ring, Gifts for Her SYMBOL RD2KNOT

Aquarian Thoughts sells gorgeous, delicate jewelry for everyday wear.

11. The Heart Department

Burnt Orange | Wooden DISPLAY CLIPBOARD with Brass Hardware | Square print holder | Photo Clipboard | Clipboard for Art | Photo Clipboard

This shop's handcrafted wooden decor is the perfect gift for any HomeGoods fanatic.

12. Treatment.


Treatment. sells small-batch soy candles and reed diffusers in so many delicious scents.

13. Gabe Jade Accessories

Wedding Necktie, Blue and Brown Necktie, Skinny Tie, Tie for Groomsmen, African Necktie

This shop is perfect for anyone looking for African fabric ties, bowties, and headwraps – especially those who love matching their partner.

14. Bespoke Binny

Lampshade African Wax Print - drum lampshade - Blue geometric lampshade - Lamp shades - Burnt Orange Zig

If you're looking to diversify your home decor, start with this shop's handmade homeware inspired by Africa, including lampshades, pillows, throws, and more.

15. Dorothy B. & Co

Honeysuckle Jasmine Soy Candle,Hand-poured Candle, Scented Soy Candle, Gift, Premium Soy Candle, Unique Gifts

This shop's hand-poured artisan soy wax candles are made in Brooklyn, New York.

16. blade + bloom

soap, body cleansing bar, cold process soap, handmade soap, lemon, lemon poppy

Shop at blade + bloom for natural, high quality aromatherapy oils and beauty products.

17. By Keeks With Love

Face mask - Fabric Face Mask - African print fabric face mask - Fabric Mask - Handmade Fabric Mask - Washable Mask - Black Owned

This shop sells a variety of items including handmade face masks.

18. Zandra Beauty

Handcrafted Exfoliating Sugar Scrub - Japanese Kumquat/ Body Scrub / Natural Body Scrub / Vegan / Soothing/ Smoothing/ Inspirational/Citrus

Zandra sells plant-based skincare and hair products for all women.

19. My Eccentric Kloset

African print earrings, Mixed media jewelry, Modern brass earrings, Unique stud earrings for women, earrings dangle brass,big drop earrings

This shop stands out thanks to its cute and colorful selection of hand-painted earring.

20. Random Rompers

DARK DENIM BLUE, baby romper, toddler romper, leoatrd, shirt, dress, peplum, leggings, joggers, maxi dress, blue romper, denim joggers

Shopping for your own kiddos or the new parents in your life? Random Rompers has so many adorable outfits to choose from.

21. Frequency Of Love

Kobe Bryant - A4 / A3 Digital Collage - Black Art

Artist Zoe Sinclair sells incredible prints that feature Black icons, and you can even purchase a custom portrait.

22. DidiRose Jewelry

Number 8 turquoise sterling silver ring SIZE 8.25

This jeweler makes handmade gemstone and precious metal pieces that are bold and beautiful.

As an Etsy Affiliate partner, Odyssey may earn a portion of qualifying sales.

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