It is easy to follow the Black Lives Matter movement while it's still relevant in social media and the news. Many times we decide to post our subject related opinions or express how much change is needed. As soon as the excitement dissipates, we continue with our everyday pictures and poses. I have been guilty of this myself. I know how it is to feel a sense of obligation every time a crime happens in our black community. There has to be something more that we can do. We get caught up in the hype and a week later become distracted by "Pokemon Go." How do we let an app take us completely off track? It should not be "Black Lives Matter for a couple of weeks" - the key is to stay consistent.
I firmly believe consistency is the key to almost anything. If we truly expect this movement to stay imperative, then we will have to keep it relevant. Make it a goal to know what happens in your black community daily. It can be something small; it can be something international even. The purpose is to keep the Black Lives Matter movement, an actual movement. It is obvious that you cannot force anyone to participate if it isn't for them to do so, but I do think a little motivation is needed. In order to keep the world's attention, we will have to be persistent.
Every day there needs to be something to post or tweet about. Even if you aren't a social media person, take the opportunity to visit the library. Better yet visit the "stacks" in our campus library. Take time to visit the George Washington Carver Museum here on campus as well. Also, keep yourself updated on what's happening in the news. There is always a way to stay involved, and use what you learn or experience to engage others. Baby steps can make a difference too. Ask yourself, "How can I contribute to this movement? When am I going to start? Why not start now?"
I hope you feel inspired or motivated to take a stand and to stick with it. Don't let it be here today and gone tomorrow. Let's work as one to keep the Black Lives Matter movement progressive.