Black people have been through so much in this country. Too much. My ancestors were taken from their homes and forced to work for their captors. They were separated from their families and cultures in order to build this country. For years, my grandparents weren't allowed to receive the same level of education as their white peers. They had to go out and march, for the world to even consider their humanity. My parents had to sit me down at a young age and give me "the talk". Not the "birds and the bees" talk (my older brother got me hip to that one), but the be-extremely-careful-when-dealing-with-police-officers talk. You know the one.
Years later, I'm told that I shouldn't wear a hood in order to lower my chances of being shot in my own neighborhood. I'm told to record encounters with police officers in order to better my chances of survival. Or to better the chances of justice being served. No guarantees for either one though. I'm seen as being fortunate for making it to the second decade of my life without being arrested or killed. Additionally, I'm told that I should be grateful to call this country home. I'm told that I should feel proud to be an American.
Being a black person in this country is an interesting experience. We can be shot down, seemingly legally, in the very same country that our ancestors spent their lives building up. Do we really have to face this reality and explain our humanity to our fellow human beings? We shouldn't have to create movements or songs or PowerPoints explaining why we deserve to be treated as equals. As humans.
Before criticizing the Black Lives Matter movement, try to imagine a few things. Imagine having to explain your humanity to other humans. Imagine someone asking you why you deserve to be afforded the same rights as other humans. Imagine spending centuries trying to explain why you deserve to receive these rights. Sounds pretty exhausting, huh? Well it is. I'm exhausted. So much so, that I've decided to just stop explaining to people why my life is just as valuable. Why our lives matter just as much as anyone else's. It's obvious at this point as it's been explained time and time again. So, instead, I'm just going to do one of following 10 things:
1.Direct those who are still confused on the subject to someone who will spell it out for them. Ben & Jerry's recently posted its support for the Black Lives Matter movement on its website. Go Ben! Go Jerry! They must appreciate some individuality here and there, right? In any case, I'm fully behind the company's decision to take a stand.
2. Reminisce on my experience at Beyonce's Formation World Tour. I saw Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter TWICE this year and my pockets are empty, but by heart is full. She's a fellow Houstonian and an out-of-this-world performer. How could I not?
3. Go to the mall and ball (on a budget). I'm sort of an adult with real bills now, so I'd have to actually plan for this... But I could use some new additions to my wardrobe. It's fall now and I need to be on point at all times. Plus, Tom Haverford from "Parks and Recreation" once said, "Treat yoself". Wise words, Tom. Wise words.
4. Call my mom. I love that lady! she's awesome. She loves to cook and I love to eat, so we make a great team! I bet she's wondering if I'm eating enough, right this second. If my bank account could speak, it would cheerfully proclaim that I am. Actually it'd probably sing a very annoying song.
5. Eat. Food is just such a blessing that I could testify about for YEARS. There's so many different cuisines and recipes! I am eternally grateful.
6. Talk about how Lady Gaga followed me on twitter. So this was pretty random. I'm not not a fan of her work, but I'm definitely not a "little monster". Sure, I think she's a dope vocalist with pretty good songs, but I wouldn't get into a twitter argument with an anonymous avatar over her, you know? Maybe I would, I don't know. At any rate, I tweeted about how her new song, "Million Reasons", is amazing and I guess she saw it and thought to follow me. Insanity. I gave a huge pop star a follow back. I'm still trying to process how/why this happened.
7. Talk about the current season of "How To Get Away With Murder".WHO'S UNDER THE SHEET?? I NEED TO KNOW.
8. Try to figure out how to stop procrastinating. I've been a master procrastinator for as long as I can remember. I waited until the mornings of school field trips to ask my parents to sign my permission slips, filled my college application out two days before the deadline, and have written countless papers hours before they were due. Send help.
9. Watch the visuals for Solange's "Don't Touch My Hair" and "Cranes in the Sky". This lady is such an artist! She co-directed two beautiful videos with her husband, Alan Ferguson, and they're simply stunning. These videos are more than just music videos; they're true pieces of art. Salute, Solange.
10. Wonder whether Frank Ocean will tour this year. The elusive crooner gave us a LOT this year, so is asking for a tour too much? Maybe so, but I think we deserve it. And he definitely deserves our money.