​Black Lives Do NOT Matter | The Odyssey Online
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​Black Lives Do NOT Matter

I know from the title of this that I am asking for all of the overly opinionated people on the web to chime in and kick my but through a computer or phone screen, but hear me out on this!

​Black Lives Do NOT Matter

All lives matter!

That’s right, I said it. All lives matter, not just the black ones. I don’t care if you are black, white, Indian, Hispanic, blue, pink, purple, alien, or even an ant. All lives are important no matter who you are. I don’t understand why people pick out things for us to fight over. Sure, there are cases about black people whom get killed at the hands of the police force, but does that mean they are the only ones? No! We are so obsessed at looking at the couple of cases that look bad and negative towards one side that we don’t even look at the other side at all. Numerous articles online state that white people are more likely, and have been killed at the hands of cops then black people, or people of any race.

Stop right there before you go typing a hateful and angry response, that’s not what this article is about. This article is for you to realize what we are doing. We are destroying each other over the color of our skin. Why?

We should stop focusing on issues like skin color, which, we can’t change, and focus on things that will help fix the issue. I recently came across something on Facebook the other day. I thought this was strange, actually, very strange. A black man, named Ken, was running around various places with a free hugs t-shirt on giving out exactly that. Now, he wasn’t just giving free hugs out to white people, or police officers. He was giving hugs out to everyone. Why is this surprising to me? It’s surprising because in today’s world it seems like we are supposed to hate each other and fight over unsubstantial things like colors. However, here is Ken showing the world that if we could just forget about all the minute details and examples of wrong doings, then we can unite and be a strong whole, rather than two halves (or all races) fighting against each other.

Another thing that bothers me, is the fact that we can use media to tear each other apart, spread our opinions, (which helps no one because there will always be someone who disagrees with you) etc. Why can’t we use it for good? Why can’t we get into the habit of spreading around or promoting causes like helping the homeless? Why can’t we use our voice for good and greater things rather than fighting over opinions and “hot topics”?

Just imagine all of the amazing things we could do if we used our media voices, and actual voices for the right reasons. Instead, we are wasting our time pointing fingers and only listening to the sides of arguments that we want to hear. I’m not saying that you can’t have opinions that something isn’t just or fair, sure, not everything is going to be fair to everyone in the world. There isn’t any way to make everything fair for everyone, it’s just not going to happen. I am also not saying anything about any race being supreme or better than any other race. What I am saying, is that we should focus on helping each other and strengthening our bonds instead of trying to break them down with racial tension. What I am saying is that we need more people like Ken. He isn’t a superhero, or an alien that has never stepped foot on Earth till now, he is a black man who understands that we need to love and hug everyone, not kill and point fingers.

I understand that most people are going to be waiting to chew me out in comments and what not, but take a moment and think about it.

All lives matter not just the black ones, or the white ones, or any one race.

All. Lives. Matter.

Check out the Free Hugs Project below:


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