As any person in this generation, you probably take for granted everything you use throughout the day. We become so addicted to things we know nothing about. Let's talk the cellphone for instance; did you know it was created by a black man? RIIGGHHHTT!! No one thinks about this when black men and women are dying meanwhile your scrolling and texting ON YOUR PHONE. What I'm trying to express is black men ad women have invented more than perms and ways to use the peanut. We have invented the common necessities to live and people outside of the black community forget if it wasn't for us you would be in the dark ages possibly.
Let's break down the list of common thing you use daily that were created by a black man or women:
Alexander Miles- Automatic elevator doors
Lewis Latimer- Perfected the light bulb and contributed to the first telephone
Jan Ernst Matzeliger- Brought shoes to hundreds of people. He successfully invented the automatic shoe machine
Garrett Morgan- The gas mask and traffic light
Fredrick Jones-Air conditioner unit design
Dr. Charles Drew-Blood Bank
Thomas Elkins-Modern Bathroom Features
These are just a couple that I found very important for people who forget and need to be humbled. Many people forget what a huge role the Black community plays in the world. Basic everyday necessities were invented by a black man or women. For instance, when you go to chic-fil-a they cook in peanut oil, thank George Washington carver for that. When you rush to the bathroom for a toilet thank Thomas Elkins. When you're at a traffic stop and not crashing into people because it's a red light, thank Garret Morgan. People want to down play and believe us saying black lives matter is racist but how is it racist to stand up for our own lives? History and the world need black lives because we are the world.As a black woman, I respect all women of different backgrounds but there nothing like a strong black woman. People take this to heart and I have to ask why? I was raised by strong black women and I am becoming one so why should I not be proud to say it?!!? Its like I cant give credit where its due without being called names because everyone isn't winning. We all know All lives matter but can I be concerned about my community more?
To wrap up I want to say everyone needs Black Lives and especially Black Minds.Black Lives create the culture trends everyone follows. We embrace things in our community that are made fun of and then later copied. The greatest form of flattery is imitation so we can see where certain ideas came from when its been in the black community for 10+ years.There's a difference between being inspired and just not giving credit. We as black lives need to remind people that this is why black lives and black minds matter.