If you have ever wanted help out in a small way but didn't know how, here is your chance. In the world we live in today, things have begun to spiral out of control, and it seems to be filled with chaos. But within that mess and chaos, is a beautiful program called Black Jaguar-White Tiger Foundation. The founder, Eduardo Serio, has become an iconic figure in the world of rescuing wild animals.
The foundation is based on the goal of rescuing large cats, and not just any cats. Their rescued animals include tigers, lions, jaguars and leopards. These animals have been rescued from illegal breeders, zoos, and circuses. Eduardo refers to them as his "babies," and himself as the "father" of all of his "children." It is without a doubt that this man shares a passion that is undeniable.
Their organization talks all about how animals cannot be possessions or reduced to material objects. People can possess objects such as houses, chairs, phones and what not, but a living being is not something we have power over. There is no amount of money you can put on one of these animals, which has become an issue in our world. Jaguars, lions, leopards and tigers are not the only animals that are hunted for prize. They join the long list that includes giraffes, elephants and many others. There are fewer than 25,000 lions, 15,000 jaguars and 3,200 tigers left in the world. Without voices of their own, these animals need the help of anyone who is willing to help in order to save them and their dwindling breeds.
Eduardo found one of these cats, a black jaguar cub that was going to be sold to a pet store for the sole purpose of having its picture taken with individuals for money. He was able to stop the sale of the baby and keep her himself. For those of you that follow this foundation, that animal was Cielo, a black jaguar that is majestic in every aspect. Once they receive the babies, they treat them as if they are malnourished in order to help them gain weight. After this, they slowly introduce them to the other cats in order to socialize them. They are then moved to Stage 2 which is a 6-acre ranch on his property. In recent development is Stage 3, which will be over 3,000 acres for the cats to run and have a permanent home.
Seven months ago, Black jaguar White Tiger Foundation had 20 rescued animals. Now? They have over 80 that they have rescued and showed unconditional love for. Just a matter of days ago, with the help of the Mexican Government they were able add another 12 tigers and three female lions to their already large family.
Some of the big cats in their care make your heart melt at the sight of them. On their website you can be introduced to these "babies" and read all about them. For example there is Tierra, a Bengal tigress whose mother died while giving birth to her in a zoo and has been in their care since she was two weeks ago. Dharma is a male leopard they were able to rescue from a breeder, the white tiger siblings Ali and Africa, Ma-Tzu the Brazilian jaguar or Dolano who was rescued from a circus. He has added a number of young babies such as Beverly, Cheyenne, Montserrat, Meera, Tibet, Tulum, Maya, Julio and Bella.
Without a doubt this foundation is one that has made an impact throughout our world. Awareness is spreading about their work, and you can help too. Every person and living being in the world is worth living the life they deserve, and that applies to animals as well. We need more people like Eduardo and those who work behind the scenes of Black Jaguar-White Tiger Foundation in order to make a change.
Instagram @blackjaguarwhitetiger