The day after we all gather around the table with family and friends to be thankful for what we have, we rush out to stores and get things our loved ones "need" for Christmas. Ironic right? Well there are many different stages of Black Friday, here are just a few as told by your favorite shows..
1. The Hunt
Black Friday is NOT the day you want to go out and hope to find the best deal. This shopping spree takes days if not weeks to plan out to make sure you hit all the good sales at the correct time, and that means spending hours with the ads
2. Preparation
After you've spent time circle things in literally every ad its time to assemble your team and make a game plan. What stores to hit and when, finding out what time the mall actually opens, even down to scheduling bathroom visits because this is not a joke guys!
3. Making it through Thanksgiving 
Remember to skip the turkey if, at all possible, it will only make you tired..
4. Heading out
Get ready its time! Make sure you have all your flyers and maps of the best deals.
5. Shopping 
Finally all the preparation is put into action because ITS GAME TIME! Go crazy!
6. Crowds
You've all seen the news after Black Friday, this one needs no explanation
7. Finishing
Finally 50+ stores later you're done. Time to see how much damage was done to your bank account
8. Regret
Get ready for those overdraft fees..
9. Acceptance
Where else would you find those deals? And all your Christmas shopping is finally done
10. Excitement
Now you can actually be excited for Christmas without stress!