1. Plan
Whether it be grabbing ads or just going online and googling the hottest deals and coupons for 2016, make sure that you have some sense direction, as to where you’ll be shopping.
2. Travel In Pairs
Having one is good, but two is great. You now have someone to retrieve coffee and even wait in line at the registers so you’re not left in the mile long lines and putting off your next destination.
3. Dress Warm
No on wants to be standing outside in 3o and snowing weather in a pair of shorts and a light sweatshirt. Make sure to have an extra pair of gloves handy, because when you’re ripping them off to grab that cheap blender there’s no way you’re remembering the gloves.
4. Be Prepared
People can and will be absolutely insane. Make sure that you are ready to walk away with nothing after waiting in lines. It will be disappointing but you have another 8 stores on your list
5. Time Management
Make sure you’re allotting time for those killer deals that you CANNOT miss out on. Contemplate whether you really need those scarves, or casually reference to Tip #2.
6. Coffee Always
Starbucks is always the answer. Feel free to brighten those already wide eyes with a new Holiday Drinks in the new Red Cups. Enjoy a little warmth in the cold.
7. Lighten The Load
Instead of trailing around that adorable but bulky bag, trade it out for an over the shoulder satchel that can fit your phone and your wallet and easy to carry around. It also helps avoid the chances of someone taking your bag.
8. Get What You Need And Get Out
Make sure that you are not going in just to grab random things because that is taking your attention away from the things you originally planned to get the store.
9. Keep Your Morals
I understand that shopping may get your adrenaline running, but do not stoop so low as to fight over a toy, or get in a fight over a laptop. Chances are if you are buying a toy, it’ll be played with for 5 months and then left on the floor to be picked up and never played with again.
10. Have Fun
Most importantly, remember that to have fun. You get to spend time with family or friends and just enjoy the experiences. Don’t go crazy, Enjoy Black Friday 2016.