Kimora Lee Simons | The Odyssey Online
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These 10 Black Women Were Our 2000s Fashion Icons — We're Still Replicating Their Looks Now

We recollect on some of the Black stars who served as fashion icons during the 2000s.

These 10 Black Women Were Our 2000s Fashion Icons — We're Still Replicating Their Looks Now

When we talk about the 2000s, it's always filled with nostalgia. For most of us, we grew up during that era with the razr flip phones or sidekicks, and decade staple designers like Juicy Couture, Von Dutch, and Ed Hardy. It was time of daring fashion choices and red carpets that we now look back on and say, "what were theywearing?"

A sector of people that exemplifies the fashion icons who ruled the 2000s, were Black women. So, I feel as though it's my duty to shine light on these fashion icons. Here they are:

Lil Kim

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The Queen B is known as a fashion icon. Simply put. She was the first to merge the lanes of fashion and music. She is mostly known for her outrageous and sometimes revealing outfits and collaborations.

Kimora Lee Simons

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Kimora Lee Simons is the brains and empress behind Baby Phat. From model to business owner, Kimora exemplifies the 2000s with her fashion label. She was the first to put Black women on the forefront and show the beauty of being Black and in fashion.

Naomi Campbell

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Naomi Campbell is one of the most successful models to ever grace fashion. This moment is a particular moment that I find iconic, because she wore a gown to do community service. Naomi is known for grandeur and taste, something that will align with her name forever.


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Before she was a solo powerhouse, Beyonce was a fashion icon while in her group, Destiny's Child. Twenty plus years after their debut, Beyonce has taken music and fashion by storm.



Most of us knew her as the "my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard" lady, but she was also a fashion icon. It is a known fact that Kelis has some of the rarest pieces to exist in fashion. She is severely overlooked, although her aesthetic is one that we still follow today.

Nicole Richie

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Nicole Richie was one of the first "influencers" if you will. She was known for wearing the latest trends and designers and being best friends with Paris Hilton. Nicole was one of the first to truly "implement" a 2000s style that would later become nostalgic.

Mariah Carey

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Mariah "The Lamb" Carey was known for her scantily clothing during the early 2000s. Known as one of the most provocative songstresses at the time, Mariah always made her presence known.

Michelle Obama

Democratic National Convention: Day 1

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The former first lady, Michelle Obama, is arguably one of the most fashionable first ladies in US history. She was known for breaking the mold as to what was traditional "First Lady Dressing."


Film Magic

We all know Rihanna as a fashion maven and superstar today, but in the 2000s, she was just starting to light that fire. Rihanna has always known how to turn a look. It's her specialty.

Tyra Banks

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Tyra is known as a famous supermodel turn TV maven. The brains behind the hit series "America's Next Top Model," Tyra solidified her place in face and the heart's of many fashion consumers alike. She dominated the 2000s.

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