Bizarre Comic Book Heroes And Villains You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
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Bizarre Comic Book Heroes And Villains You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

Don't get me wrong, they're still totally awesome.

Bizarre Comic Book Heroes And Villains You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

1. Squirrel Girl

From the Marvel Universe, Doreen Green is not your typical adventurous high school student. Despite being repeatedly being bullied for her mutations, she flees to the nearby woods only to discover her strange affiliation with squirrels. She soon realizes her enhanced speed and agility, along with her ability to communicate with the squirrel population. She consumes nuts for extra energy boosts, which she stores in her belt. Squirrel girl longed for a partnership with Ironman, but even after defeating his nemesis, he declined her partnership.

2. Hindsight

Do you have a good conscience? Don’t worry, Hindsight will let you know. Although he doesn’t possess any actual superhuman powers, he can recall past events and analyze them to explain how they could have played out differently. He uses his strategizing skills to justify his “powers”, basically telling you what you did wrong. His so-called research skills were played out when he was a member of the New Warriors.

3. Doorman

DeMarr Davis, also known as Doorman, is a member of the Great Lakes Avengers and possesses some interesting teleporting abilities. However, he can only teleport himself or anyone else to the next room or through the nearest doorway “portal.”

4. Gin Genie

As an already established member of the X-Force, Gin Genie is quite powerful. She possesses blast power, vibration waves, manipulation, and great strength. Unfortunately, her powers are the most powerful on alcohol. Considering this, Gin Genie is a raging alcoholic which usually lead to her aiming at her own teammates.

5. Eye-Scream

An escape artist and shape shifter, Eye-Scream can transform himself into any flavor of ice cream. He can melt and fit himself in small spaces, making him able to escape in sticky situations. However, he is unable to function or move in extreme heat or freezing temperature. Eye-Scream felt useless after seeing the X-Men in action and planned to defeat them. Unfortunately, he completely failed after he was frozen and completely solidified.

6. The Almighty Dollar

J. Pennington Pennypacker is just a typical, self-conscious accountant. He decided to attend a “self-esteem” camp, which was a hoax designed by a crazed scientist. The scientist had a device that would give anyone super powers after being struck. This insane device was used on Pennypacker and it gave him the power to literally throw money at his problems. Originating into the Almighty Dollar, Pennypacker could use his new blast power to shoot pennies from his wrists. Obviously, this also made him extremely wealthy.

7. Rainbow Girl

As a member of the Legion of Super-Monsters, Dori Aandraison had an extended pheromonic field which causes a rainbow light to surround her, making her completely irresistible and charming to those around her. These desirable attributes heightened her power and worked in her favor. Rainbow girls main feature, though, is terrible and unpredictable mood swings. She can tap into different features resembled by color, such as red representing anger and blue representing hope.

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