Winter can be a beautiful thing, but it can also be cumbersome and just an inconvenience at times. I think the time I spent in Florida made me hate winter more than I did before. Winter is unwelcomed in my book, especially since I have been back in Pennsylvania. I must be completely honest, I was spoiled when I lived in Florida with gorgeous weather. While everyone was freezing their butts off in Pennsylvania, I was soaking up the sun.
I have always wondered if winter just hates the north and midwest and punishes them with harsh climates. I feel like winter can never make up its mind and just wants to play games with us. Since I have been back in PA, it’s been 60 degrees. I missed out on most of the snow that happened back in November and, compared to past winters, this winter is very mild. The welcome home gift that PA got me was a snow-free winter so far and I hope it stays that way.
I have always had some fond memories of winter, but lately, I think I have become bitter about winter. I guess that I just miss the sunny weather of Florida and the warmth. So, missing Florida I guess has made me a grump. I mean I am a very happy and upbeat person, but I guess I will be grumpy when I see the first sight of snow. Snow is great to look at, but not to trudge in on the way to class at college. I think that snow just makes everything more exhausting and doesn’t help.
This article has turned into a rant piece about winter and it is spiraling downwards as I think more about the weather to come to Clarion this week. It’s been raining all week and now this rain is going to turning to 4 inches overnight. I'd rather not like to think about the snow and focus my attention elsewhere, but snow keeps haunting me. Well, I eventually want to be rid of snow and visit it, but not live around it. Snow is like a neighbor that you see from time from time, but you don’t want sticking around longer than they must. I know that was a horrible analogy, but hopefully I am getting my point across.
Winter will always have a special place in my heart reserved around Christmas and that is probably about it. I know that it seems brash, but winter has overstayed its welcome and I am finally ready to say goodbye to it for a very long time. It won’t be the most heartfelt goodbye, but winter will be missed in the smallest way. Winter is coming and I am not ready and I don’t think I will be ever again. Winter will be a long-lost friend that will remain lost for a very long time. Well winter, this isn’t goodbye, this is see ya later alligator, in a while crocodile.