North Dakota State University (NDSU) is a school that has seen extreme growth over the past few years. We have been featured on ESPN multiple times for our athletic department and its achievements (back, to back, to back, to back and back again for the NCAA Championships). We are one of the top two percent of schools in the nation, and now others (universities and people alike) are starting to realize this fully as well.
This is huge for us as not only a city but as a state as well. Our whole region has less than a million people! And we made big news!
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Along with our recent good strides in athletics, and (what may or may not be a side affect) of a rise in academic spotlight, North Dakota State University is showing its pride loud and proud.
And we have every reason too!
Literally every Friday the city is covered with green and yellow. A person can see gaze across downtown and see NDSU flags flying from the car windows (I still don't know where those come from) and at least 9/10 people wearing the appropriate colors.
Also, don't forgot the bison stickers on every fourth car.
So my question is, how did this happen? Where did this massive amount of college pride come from?
First, the Fargo area has a huge amount of college students for how many people live in the city. If you stroll over to the Fargo City's website concern demographics, you can see the statistics for yourself. They have changed the layout it recently since I was last there, but the age range is largely young adult, or college aged, people.
With a city full young, vibrant college students, its hard not to show your pride for the local Universities.
The bars and restaurants around town that cater to students have discounts galore, so this helps when your town has a young, money conscience, but daring population (*cough cough*). It make prospecting, and current, students more likely to go out on the town and show some pride for some discounts!
If you're like me and trying to spend a only few bucks but get a deal, take a gander at this website here. You might like what you see. Or not. I'm just here to present you stuff.
There are certainly things that the University itself, and the city of Fargo, do to promote the culture and community surrounding the ideal of "The Bison" as a collective.
Every Friday at the is what they call "Bison Pride Day". Students are supposed to wear NDSU Bison stamped apparel, and there happens to be "Bison Ambassadors" that will give you random rewards for seeing you on campus with gear on. These unique and friendly individuals wear most yellow, with some green, suits and are often leading the cheering in the student section at games.
I think I have heard even the bookstore does discounts sometimes from these nice folks!
And, of course, our game days are always packed. With free student tickets, the turn outs are amazing. If you have every been to a NDSU Bison football game, you know what I mean. If not, please do for my ease of mind.
I hope this article sparked a little interest in the huge fan base surround my University. It is considered by some to be amazing for such a small college and I definitely agree whole-heatedly.
You might just have to come experience it for yourself.