It seems as though bisexuality is such a hard concept for people to grasp. People who identify as bisexual are often presented with very narrow minded, sometimes offensive questions because other people feel that it is necessary to be able to categorize everything in black and white. In reality though, there is a wide spectrum for everything from sexual orientation to gender and even mac ‘n cheese.
Don't let the mac 'n cheese part distract you from what's really going on here, though,
Somewhere in that vast spectrum of human sexuality, there lays bisexual, somewhere in between heterosexual and homosexual. It is kind of like a midway point in the spectrum. What most people truly do not understand is that when someone identifies as bisexual, they are not “being greedy”, “going through a phase”, or “unable to make up their mind” when it comes to choosing sexual or romantic partners.
What I truly don't understand is why people belittle it or don't recognize bisexuality as a true sexual identity, and because they don't they sound like this: 17 Bisexual Guy Problems. (Go ahead, click on the link, it's just a quick YouTube video.)
"Oh, but John, how do you know bisexuality is real? I bet you're just a Tumblr nerd!"
Well, anon, it's a little thing called humanity. Who am I to tell someone who they are or aren't, or to invalidate whatever they may identify by?
"Oh, so then if a white person says they're black then you'll believe them, huh?"
Uh, well, no. You see, that's just not how it works. Obviously race and nationality are finite traits, while sexual orientation, gender, and religion are infinite traits.
Thank you, thank you, and I don't even go to my human sexuality class every time.
Long story short, do not belittle someone based on their sexual orientation. Do not exclude, ridicule, or invalidate any person in the LGBTQ+ community on the basis of sexual identity.
If they're telling you their preferences, you should feel pretty special because that is a huge, personal thing to share with someone. Honestly, bisexual people are great, just ask any of my best friends.