The LGBTQ+ community knows well that the pinnacle of lesbian fashion is the red flannel. But since no one ever talks about the stereotypes of the bisexual community, I am here to inform the public about common items of clothing you may find in your local bisexual's closet. Here are the 10 items that you may have in your closet that may confirm that you need to come out of it.
1. Jean jackets
Multiple. Jean jackets. It's an unspoken rule that all bisexual women own at least three. If not, it's safe to question their sexuality.
2. Cuffed jeans

Cuffed jeans allow a bisexual to show off those eccentric ankle socks she has to make up for her boring personality.

EVERYTHING IS DENIM. Denim jackets, jeans, shorts, skirts, dresses, vests, shoes and fanny packs. Bisexuals own denim.
4. Leather jacket

Leather jackets allow the more grunge bisexuals to exude confidence and dominance.*
*Jackets are never real leather.
6. Patterned shirts/dress shirts

Cacti and pineapples are just a couple of patterns that you may see. And these shirts will most likely always be tucked into their jeans. And the shirts are usually buttoned up all the way.
8. Suit jacket/blazer

A bisexual will wear a suit jacket anywhere, except the office. Don't ask me why, I don't make the rules.