For the week of February 18th, there was really only one thing on my mind: it's my birthweek! Why celebrate just one day when I can have the whole week? This week leads up to my favorite holiday and possibly the greatest day ever (because I was born, duh): Friday, February 22nd. During this week I have quite a lot of thoughts as I prepare for the best day ever!
And there's no better way to express what I am thinking than through those who know how to do birthdays the best: the employees of Dunder Mifflin.
1. "Today is my B-day and people around here just go crazy for it." — Michael Scott
Okay, so maybe not everyone goes crazy for my birthday. But I like to think they do. And if they don't, I strongly recommend and encourage it throughout my birthweek. It is MY birthday, after all.
2. "Age is just a number? False. Age is a word." — Dwight Schrute
Wait... I'm another year older? Wow, I am getting old. Ouch. I will soon be one year closer to my twenties. I know, I know, that's not that old, but still. Ouch.
3. "I am one of the few people who looks hot eating a cupcake." — Kelly Kapoor
I don't know if I actually look good eating a cupcake, but I know that I feel good. Cupcakes are amazing and what better occasion is there to have them than my birthweek?!?
4. "If I don't have some cake soon, I might die." — Stanley Hudson
I like cake, too. Everyone deserves some cupcakes and, of course, some cake during their birthweek. And if I don't get some cake, I may not make it to see my next birthweek.
5. "I am running from my responsibilities and it feels good." — Michael Scott
Exams? Assignments? Quizzes? Projects? None of those exist during my birthweek. I am running away from everything I have to do this week and you know what? It DOES feel good. The celebrations during my birthweek do not include any school work. Sorry to my professors and parents, I don't make the rules!
6. "I can't be around sad people, it just makes me sad." — Phyllis Vance
Everybody cheer up! Only positive attitudes are allowed during my birthweek. We are celebrating, aren't we?
7. "Presents are the best way to show someone how much you care. It's like this tangible thing that you can point to and say, 'Hey, man, I love you this many dollars worth.'" — Michael Scott
Presents — do I really have to say anything else? Everyone loves presents, I certainly know I do. And by my definition of a birthweek, it's a week full of presents!
8. "Well, sometimes the gift is really about the gesture." — Pam Beesly
OK, so I do really like presents, but I'm not as concerned about how expensive they are as Michael Scott is. Pam says it perfectly — I like gifts that mean something and are special. Any gift from the people I love is a gift that I will love.
9. "God, this is so sad, this is the smallest amount of power I've ever seen go to someone's head." — Jim Halpert
OK, I'll admit: I can act like quite the princess most of my life, but I definitely bring it up a few notches during my birthweek. Yes, it's a small amount of power being the birthday princess, but I certainly let it get to my head. And you know what? I'm not ashamed of it. Where's my crown and sash?
10. "Oh my God! Okay, it's happening. Everybody stay calm!" — Michael Scott
Ah, finally. When the clock hits midnight and it is officially February 22nd, it's happening. It will officially be my birthday and the celebrations will hit their peak. Everybody stay calm, I know how exciting this is!