Dear Me,
Happy birthday! Congratulations, you are finally an ACTUAL adult and no longer identify as a teen. Yes, you became legal when you turned 18, but this is a HUGE deal (cue Trump meme). You turned 20. T
Two decades of carefree school days and worrying about being popular in school has ended. Now, it is all about finding yourself without getting lost in the real world. Since you are now a wise adult that has gone through the easy childhood and angsty teenage years, it is only proper to celebrate your birthday by reminiscing and giving advice to your younger self.
Throwback to fifth grade, one of the most innocent years of a child's life, but not for you. In fifth grade, every day seemed like a storm because a group of girls were teasing you for not wearing brand name clothing and for having immigrant, protective parents. Well, guess what, no 10-year old should be worrying about wearing the latest Gucci belt.
It is because of them you are alive and thriving and live the amazing life you do today. So the next time you see these girls in your hometown while you are cruising down in your BMW, make sure you smile and wave.
Fast forward to middle school, when everyone started advancing in height and leaving you behind. Yes, you are short. No, you may never be tall, but that doesn't mean you can't have confidence and the internal strength of a lion.
Physical attributes do not define a person; personality does. If you walk around with your head held high and act kindly to others, that is all that matters. Plus, you can still do whatever you set your mind too. Don't listen to the haters that said "The only job you can get is as an oompa loompa."
Now High School. AHH yes, four of the best years of your life. The schoolwork was hell because you are an overachiever and always signed up for the hardest classes. You struggled with keeping friendships but guess what, your real friends are the ones you still have contact with today. Everyone else, from haters to fake friends, were irrelevant distractions trying to get you caught off guard.
Luckily, you grew stronger each year and graduated at the top of your class with an academic scholarship to your college.
Now you are in your roaring 20s. Freedom has increased tremendously in the past few years for you and so many opportunities are getting thrown your way. Your life will only get more exciting from here on out. However, NEVER FORGET WHERE YOU CAME FROM. When life gets tough, just know you are surrounded by people who love you; you don't need to change yourself for them. Like Hannah Montana once sang, "You'll always find your way back home."