Again with my twenty-first birthday, since it is coming up, my mother just told my twin sister and I that we would be taking a family vacation to New York so we could celebrate all together.
My birthday has always fallen around the time school starts, and this year is no different. My birthday is on August 27, which this year is the first day of class, and it is my twenty-first my parents said they wanted to make it special for my sister and me.
They plan for us to take the trip from August 23-26, which would be right before my birthday, but I have the first day of my last semester in college on the 27th.
I don't mind taking a family vacation, like I had said before, there is nothing wrong with a good old family vacation, but I'm not going to lie, when my mom told me that we would be going to celebrate my 21st, I was kind of thrown back, I had already planned on Sunday night going out with my friends so I could celebrate, she was suddenly changing on all my plans and there wasn't really anything I could do about it.
You see, my parents are really conservative when it comes to their daughters drinking or things like that, and even though we're Mexican and the drinking age is 18, we were still never able to drink, not even in Mexico. So, I had this whole plan made on how I wanted to celebrate my birthday and for them to change my plans so fast got me a little upset.
However, when I started to really think about it, I realized that a family vacation would be the best thing for me and my sister's birthday.
My parents want to make it something special, and I know for a fact that if I'm traveling with them, it would be the best birthday yet.