Guess what? Birth control pills--not just for sex! It's a crazy thought, I know, but it is all too true. I am a 21 year old woman and I am on the pill. I have felt embarrassed by this, I have felt ashamed, and I have found myself trying to hide the fact that I'm on this pill. But why? I have been on birth control since I was just 13 years old. That is eight years of being pill shamed.
I, like many other women, have been burdened with endometriosis. If you aren't sure what that is, well, it's basically a condition where you have a uterus that physically hates you, and is actively trying to ruin your life.
And the pain... oh, the pain. It's truly unbearable. What endometriosis really is though, is a condition where a woman's uterus starts to grow tissue on the outside of the actual uterus (there should NOT be tissue on the outside)!
For most girls my age, birth control pills are our only saving grace. We can't exactly go to the doctor and have our uterus' removed unless we want to 100% rule out having children. Because of this little dilemma, we are stuck supplementing our bodies with hormones created in a lab to try and reduce our pain.
Of course there are about a million other reasons why a woman might find herself starting to take birth control pills, this just happens to be my reason.
So I say we stop the pill shaming and grow up. Birth control pills aren't just for sex, and they are nothing to feel ashamed of!