Women choose their own birth control | The Odyssey Online
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Having The Option To Get Birth Control And Changing It If Needed Is Not A Man’s Decision

Women's reproductive health issues should NEVER be dictated by anyone without ovaries.

Having The Option To Get Birth Control And Changing It If Needed Is Not A Man’s Decision

Recently, many states have been making the news with the laws they have been passing recently in regards to abortion. On May 14th, 2019, in Alabama, legislators are taking away the right to legal and safe abortion, regardless if they are victims of rape or incest. Also, four other states such as Ohio, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Georgia and have passed the "heartbeat bill", in which women restricts women to get an abortion after 6 weeks.

Ohio's new anti-abortion law is also going to limit the access to birth control as law-makers believe that the use of birth control leads to an abortion. Most of those law-makers are also white males who have no idea what it is like to have a vagina, deal with periods or deal with any other women's reproductive health issues.

I personally got on birth control after becoming sexually active and to be completely honest, I got it for the sole purpose of avoiding pregnancy especially at this time of my life. I am a college student and I know that having a child at this age would not be ideal as I can barely support myself and I am very focused on my future career. Even though I use birth control for the reason of not getting pregnant, many other women use it for other reasons that definitely differ from mine.

I had a very terrible experience with the form of birth control I was on as I could not handle the side effects I was experiencing. It was not worth it as it was mentally and physically draining to deal with those side effects. Luckily, I have the option of switching methods as soon as I get the current method taken out of my body.

Living in California, a more liberal-leaning state, I am very lucky to have more affordable, easier access to the different birth control methods that exist. I am very lucky to switch from one form to another without the laws limiting what I can and can't do with my body. I also have the resources to receive a safe and legal abortion if it were necessary to get one.

Regulating the female body should only be regulated by the individual woman herself ONLY with the help and insight of medical professionals that will help her make the appropriate choice with what she wants to do. Men should NEVER be allowed to have a say or dictate what I can or can't do with my body or any woman's body as women are not dictating men on what to do with theirs. Women use birth control for one or many other reasons and it is no one's business to know why. Women get abortions for various reasons and it is NO ONE's business to know why they choose to make this decision.

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