5 Reasons Having a Vagina Sucks | The Odyssey Online
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5 Reasons Having a Vagina Sucks

Women cry over 3 things: being sad (5%), being happy (5%), and unknown (90%).

5 Reasons Having a Vagina Sucks

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I think women are the strongest creatures alive. I admire every single woman. We are all beautiful, brave, powerful, and intelligent. However, being a woman is the worst gender that you can be. Here is why.

​5. Shaving

Sure having smooth legs is amazing when you get into bed with clean sheets after shaving and moisturizing, but I am going to be honest: I am lazy. In high school, I used to wake up 30 minutes earlier just to shave my legs and armpits. Why did I do that when I was also planning on wearing jeans? Because in this "society," women are expected to shave, but I have not shaved my legs in 4 days, and I feel good.

4. Bras

Do you ever have a bra on for 8+ hours or more? You can feel your chest becoming tired of having a wire on top, especially if your bra wire broke during the middle of the day. Also, why do I have to pay $50 for the titties that I did not even ask for? I am 21 and in college. I am POOR. Since it is winter break, I have been wearing the same, thick sweatshirt so I can give my boobs a break by not wearing a bra. Highly recommend.

3. Emotions

Like I stated before, women cry over 3 things: being sad (5%), being happy (5%), and unknown (90%). I can literally make fun of my boyfriend so many times, but the second that he does it to me, I break down and think to myself, "I deserve better." I am convinced that we, as women, have no control over our emotions. It just happens. We are all crazy. It is okay.

2. Not Being Able to Be Alone

A few days ago, I was at work (alone) at a tanning salon when this homeless man came in with a 10 in knife telling me that he was going to have sex with me "whether I liked it or not." I can not even go to work without wondering if my life is safe. Are you kidding me? Let me get this bread. Leave me alone.

Side note: he is in police custody, all is safe. I am securing the bag at the moment.

1. Birth Control 

I am currently sitting at work on the verge of crying. This morning, I switched birth control. I was on the Depo shot, however, now I have an IUD. The IUD was inserted at 8AM this morning. Worst start to my morning ever. For birth control, my OBGYN told me that the insertion of the IUD is equivalent to child bearing cramps. So you're telling me that in order to not get pregnant, I still have to go through contractions?

Being a woman has its pros, but the pros mean nothing when you watch men not experiencing the type of pain women go through on a daily basis, and that is the tea.

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