Bipartisan Support Can Save Planned Parenthood | The Odyssey Online
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Bipartisan Support Can Save Planned Parenthood

The country's largest health care provider is facing a $400 million funding cut from Congress.

Bipartisan Support Can Save Planned Parenthood

While the new year brings hope to most, severe funding cuts are rapidly charging towards Planned Parenthood. Republicans in Congress have announced that they will attempt to pass a bill that will strip the health care provider of $400 million in Medicaid funds as early as January. President-elect Trump already stated that he will sign this bill. While nothing is set in stone just yet, Planned Parenthood’s horizon seems bleak. After years of trying to de-fund the family planning provider, and a brief period in 2011 when they threatened to shut down the federal government over the issue, the overwhelmingly conservative Congress, accompanied by the new President-elect, are finally in the apt position to attack and eliminate Planned Parenthood.

Contrary to popular belief, this move is not supported by the majority of Trump voters. According to a Politico poll 58% of overall voters, support the funding of Planned Parenthood. These statistics indicate that Planned Parenthood has bipartisan support, and emphasize the fact that Planned Parenthood is the country’s largest health care provider. Planned Parenthood centers treat 2.5 million men and women annually. In addition to those that are treated in one of their health centers, Planned Parenthood "provides sexual and reproductive education, information, and outreach to nearly five million women, men, and adolescents worldwide in a single year." The family planning provider offers affordable and high-quality health care to those who would be unable to afford health care otherwise.

However, while the majority of citizens see Planned Parenthood as a necessity, Congress and Trump’s Vice President Mike Pence have been adamant in their fight to eliminate the provider for years. So, even though the majority voted for Trump-Pence, the majority of U.S citizens support the continued federal reimbursement of Planned Parenthood. Therefore, 535 Congress members, in addition to Trump and Pence, are overruling more than 300 million American citizens, and, subsequently, negatively affecting access to the country’s most utilized health care organization.

Unfortunately, many still hold a skewed or erroneous view of what Planned Parenthood actually does. Firstly, and probably most importantly, the majority of abortion services are not funded by the federal government. Medicaid funds are only permitted to be used to fund abortion services in cases of rape, incest or to protect the mother's life. Additionally, abortion services only account for three percent of Planned Parenthood's annual services. Yet, it is exactly this three percent that is driving the conservative public's protest against federal funding.

Each year, Planned Parenthood provides more than 270,000 Pap smears, which are preventative screenings for cervical cancer, and more than 360,000 breast exams, which also serve to detect cancer. Planned Parenthood also focuses on providing services, education and information to prevent pregnancy and sexual infections. In fact, the PP health care centers combined provide more than 4.2 million tests and treatments for sexually transmitted infections annually.

To summarize, the majority of services offered by Planned Parenthood test for/treat STIs, are contraception related services or screen for different cancers. Additionally, statistics show that one in five women will need Planned Parenthood's services at some point in their life. And, as I’ve established, the majority of U.S citizens do no support, and physically and financially can’t afford, the de-funding of Planned Parenthood.

It’s not over yet, folks; there’s still hope for America’s most utilized health care centers. It’s time to take matters into our own hands and donate! Even though funding could be cut as soon as this month, funds are expected to pour in to Planned Parenthood and counteract the stripped reimbursement. But, this will only happen if we make it happen.

Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, we can come together and unite in the fight for our right to access affordable and high-quality health care.

To make a one-time donation or commit to making monthly donations, please visit Planned Parenthood’s home website or click here.

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