9. Jordan K. | The Odyssey Online
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My Predictions On Who I Want To See On Season 6 Of 'Bachelor In Paradise'

A Luke vs. Luke. vs. Luke face off.

My Predictions On Who I Want To See On Season 6 Of 'Bachelor In Paradise'

Another year, another summer, another season of the best reality television show to ever grace our presence. It's almost "Bachelor in Paradise' time which means it's almost time the best (and worst) 'Bachelor' and 'Bachelorette' contestants come together and see if they can find love, redemption, or make even more people hate-comment on their Instagram pictures.

As always, this list is purely speculation and for my personal enjoyment. But also, I will probably be 100% right and you should take my word as law 'Bachelor' people. Okay, great, here we go!

1. Wells and Yuki

Originally from Jojo's season of 'The Bachelorette' and 'Bachelor Winter Games'

Because they are my favorite and I need them in my life. Although Wells is in THE CUTEST relationship with Sarah Hyland and completely unavailable, that does not prevent him from returning to be a semi-okay bartender and confidant for already drunk contestants. Bring back Wells the Bartender and Yuki to just be confused and adorable.

2. Demi

From Colton's season of 'The Bachelor'

Because duh. She doesn't need an explanation, it's a given.

3. Cam

From Hannah B.'s season of 'The Bachelorette'

Because he's the WORSTTTTT. We hate him and we love drama.

4. Katie

From Colton's season of 'The Bachelor'

Because why not. Katie is the perfect contestant. Not even contestant, just like an overall good person. We should all be more like Katie.


From Hannah B.'s season of 'The Bachelorette'

Because he will make it fun. I hope him and Demi go on a date. I hope him and everyone goes on a date. I hope he lives his best life and gets all the chicken nuggets his little heart desires. His hair belongs in paradise.

6. Heather!

From Colton's season of 'The Bachelor'

Because she is gorgeous and will quietly sit and enjoy herself in paradise. She deserves it.

7. Luke S.

From Hannah B.'s season of 'The Bachelorette'

Because my guess is they'll just need him to cause drama with Luke (see #11). He doesn't really have much going for him right now, but maybe there's more to him than a baby Nick face.

8. Hannah G.

From Colton's season of 'The Bachelor'

Because she's adorable and deserves a little bit of redemption from Colton being a douche-canoe to her.

9. Jordan K.

From Becca's season of 'The Bachelorette' and season 5 of 'BIP'

Because Jenna broke his heart and he is actually not as bad as everyone wrote him off to be in the beginning.

10. Sydney

From Colton's season of 'The Bachelor'

Because... I don't know, she loves drama. I don't care.

11. Luke. P.

From Hannah B.'s season of 'The Bachelorette'

Because the producers hate us and want us to suffer. It can't be all sunshine and rainbows. He'll show up for a little and then everyone will hate him and we can move on. Next.

12. Tayshia

From Colton's season of 'The Bachelor'

Because she's like, really pretty. Plus, she'll keep quiet and find a man and we'll barely hear from her- a real Jade and Tanner moment.


From Hannah B.'s season of 'The Bachelorette'

Because he deserves JUSTICE! I love him and his face and his family and him, so bring him back, please and thank you.

14. Caelynn

From Colton's season of 'The Bachelor'

15. My main man Jorge!

From every 'Bachelor in Paradise' ever...

Because he is actually the best.

He's living his best life and I want to meet him one day. Seriously. one of my life-long dreams is to meet Jorge from 'Bachelor in Paradise'. He just seems like a really nice guy, so go follow him on Insta!

Of course, I left out a TON of people who will join in on the 'BIP' fun this summer. I'm sure Onyeka, Garrett, and some past contestants will slide their way through those palm trees just to ruffle some feathers. It'll be fun, it'll be stressful, and most importantly, it'll bring back all our favs for another chance at love (and Instagram followers).

Let me know which of your favs I left out and who you'd love to see on season 6 of 'Bachelor in Paradise'!

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