When you choose your major you think about what you want to do for the rest of your life, and what job will give you the greatest income, and for some what will give you the greatest income with the least amount of schooling. You don't really think about what all goes into that major, it may cross your mind but most people don't generally go into in-depth research into what it takes. Or at least I didn't.
I've always liked science and been interested in it, I like knowing what makes things work. But I've never been particularly good at it, I've been decent, I can understand what is going on but math was always my strong suit. I didn't become a math major though, I could have but I didn't. I chose Biology with a minor in Chemistry and an emphasis in Pre-Veterinary Medicine. I want to save the elephants okay? So what I've learned as a Biology major is...
1. Science is Your Life
All that free time between classes and the getting out of school early is just a taunt. If you think you have free time chances are you forgot something. The breaks in your day are spent doing homework, or getting help doing homework. You will always have something to occupy your time so don't worry about ever being bored.
2. Procrastination is NOT an option
Often times I find myself pulling all nighters the night before lab day because I wait until the last second to start my lab write ups. It happens to the best of us but try to get it done early so you aren't up all night like mwah.
3. All you ever talk about is school
I'm constantly talking about withdrawing from my science classes, most of the texts I get are about tests and lab reports and every conversation is dominated by chemistry or some sort of biology. You thought you were gonna have a nice conversation about going out of town, just kidding you don't have time for that and suddenly your conversation is turned to how your going to withdraw from this class because your feel more confidant you can pass it than the other one.
4. Tired is no longer a feeling its your entire existence
You can suddenly sleep anywhere, that 30 minute break when I get out of lab early? I'll be in my car taking a quick nap.
5. Always keep an extra pair of lab goggles
If you forget your lab goggles you can try to find someone with an extra pair, you can pay the teacher to let you barrow a pair, or you can not go to lab(not an option). Always have an extra pair incase you forget your first pair or someone else forgot theirs, they will owe you forever.
6. You don't know what the rest of campus looks like because you stay in the science buildings
If you're found somewhere else on campus you are probably lost because you don't generally stray from the Chemistry and Life Science buildings.
7. Science is crazy
Everything you learn is incredible. Chemistry is Crazy. The ways organisms survive are amazing.
8. Your professors will infuriate you and amaze you
How do they remember everything? Why do they make the tests so damn hard?
9. You will amaze yourself
How did i know how to do this? How does my brain remember this? Science is not easy but you will get it eventually.
10. Science is incredible and rewarding
I regret it everyday but only for a split second when I'm doubting my ability to learn the material. But I love it every step of the way, and I know that in the end I will not regret it one bit as I save the live of dozens of animals.
Just keep at it and you will get through it, one step at a time, one day at a time, you will get through it.